Chapter Two: The beginning

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Five years later

  Giggling ran through the now brighter halls of the castle, as a young child runs away from a boy clad in black. " Kath wait! " was the call the red haired princess heard as she giggled, continuing to run away from her friend, not wanting to be tagged. " Keep up Dark you slow poke!" She yelled behind her as she continued her pace before running into a figure at full speed, getting knocked back and falling to the ground with a small yelp.
    " Kathrine, how many times have I told you not to run inside the castle? " Ganon says concerned, helping the hylian child to her feet and she smiles. " I'm sorry papa, me and Dark were playing tag!" The little girl said, hugging her father tightly. With a sigh he hugs his child back, Dark having finally caught up, huffing and puffing as he tries to catch his breath. " what would your mother say if she saw how I was raising you child?" He chuckles out, letting the girl go before ruffling her hair with his large hand, the girl pushing it to the side with a giggle. "Now clean yourself up, this is a very important day my dear one, the princess and her son are arriving at the castle any minute now. Where is Ghirahim, he's supposed to be getting you ready." The little girl giggles with her friend, knowing full well what happened. She had ran away from Ghirahim to play with Dark, and in the process gotten herself all disheveled. " Well, I kinda ran away from him papa, I wanted to play a bit more before the queen came." With a heavy sigh Ganon shakes his head, before bellowing out "GHIRAHIM!".     
   With a burst of diamonds Ghirahim appears at his masters call. " Yes sire? Have you seen the prin-" hearing giggles from behind him he turns around, noticing the young princess before sighing. "My dearest starshine, look at your hair, and your dress! It took me forever to make you look perfect for this day! " Ghirahim addresses in distress to the girl, picking her up before walking away with the younger boy following in suit of the white haired man. " Don't you worry sire, I'll have her looking good as new in no time!" He says hautly, causing the young princess to giggle. "You'd better Ghirahim, this is very important." Was the only thing the king said before turning around and continuing on his way to the throne room to await the princess Zelda's arrival.
   "There aaaaaannnddddd there! Perfect! " The demon general says excitedly as he finishes fixing the young girls hair, placing her circlet atop her head, it being a simple gold band with a red gemstone mounted in the middle. Wearing a simple red gown that match her circlet she hops off the chair and walks over to the mirror. With how short her hair was not much could be done with it but Ghirahim out did himself, pulling the sides of her hair into two intricate braids that met in the middle. She smiles at herself in the mirror, doing a little spin as she turns to her friend. "What do you think dark?" The girl asks, hoping her friend approved of her apperance.
    With a nagging tone to the boys voice he responds with an arrogant huff " I think you'd look much better in black but I suppose you look okay." The girl giggles, knowing of her friends fondness of the dark color, it being the only thing he wears. A baublin then busts into the room announcing that her royal highness Queen Zelda and her son the prince have arrived. The girl quickly excused herself and runs to the throne room quickly joining her father's side, fixing the circlet that is much to big for her head.
   The large double doors of the castle open as she watches the two hylian royals walk towards her in hooded cloaks. Removing her hood the woman who the girl assumed was Zelda curtsied to her and her father, causing Ganon to bow to the woman as well. "Welcome your royal highnesses to my castle. May I introduce you to my daughter, princess Katherine." The woman lands her cold amd powerful blue eyes on the young girl, shaking the poor girl to her core. Quickly regaining her composure she meekly curtsies to the queen, all while focusing on the ground infront of her.
   With a gentle nod of recognition the lady speaks to the king in a strong and commanding voice, "Thank you Lord Ganondorf for welcoming me and my son to your home." Turning to thw much shorter figure beside her the woman warmly says "Introduce yourself darling." Looking at the small cloaked figure next to her, the boy timidly removes his hood, to the princesses shock. He looks very similar to her friend Dark! Only he has shaggy dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes like the woman, only his hold a kinder light.
   "H-hello, my name i-is Prince Link. It's a pleasure t-to meet your highnesses." He stutters out and the girl gives him a kind smile, ignorant her father's shocked expression. Realizing the situation Ganon quickly recovers his composure. "Darling, why don't you show the young prince around the castle and introduce him to some of your friends?" The Lord suggests with a slight hesitation in his voice.
   Nodding the young princess motions for the boy to follow her as they leave the room. "So, in your letter you wished to speak to me about an arrangement you had in mind?" The woman says in an attempt to gain the Gerudo kings attention. Turning his head so that his gaze falls on the young queen, he says in a stern voice "Please follow me your highness, we may speak in my study privately." Motioning for her to follow the king leads the hylian woman to his study on the far side of the castle. 
   Meanwhile, our young princess is speaking to the prince and showing him the rooms of the castle. "So, what's it like living with him as your dad?" The young boy asks the girl, trying to start up conversation and hopefully prove the stories he's heard wrong. The girl stops walking as she looks at the boy before answering, " you've heard the stories to, haven't you?" With a shy nod the girl sighs before saying in a resigned tone, " Well they are true. My papa has done some terrible things in his past lives, but he hasn't done anything in this one. He's kind and loves me with all his heart." Beginning to walk again the boy listens close to the girls voice, it being a little hushed as to avoid attention. "Though sometimes at night I can hear him crying about the past, including about what happened to my mother. I think he blames himself honestly." The boy gives her a curious look and she smiles softly, staring at the ground. "My mamma died in childbirth and my health was very fragile because of it. If it wasn't for my care giver Ghirahim I would have died as well. She was a hylian like me, my papa says I take after her in nearly every feature of myself. Well, other than the red hair, I get that from him" the girl states with a giggle, smiling at the boy.
   The boy looks at the girl and says in an excited tone " Me to! If it wasn't for Impa my momma would have died along with me!" It was the girls turn to give the prince a look of confusion and he smiles at her before continuing his story "My father was killed in an attack on the kingdom by mercenaries." The girls expression goes slack in shock and he hastily adds at her expression" not from your kingdom, of course! They were from a forgotten band of assasins called the Yiga clan. Impa saved me and my mother from the attackers." Looking down as well the two continued walking in silence for a few minutes before the girl asked "So, do you like games?" With a nod the boy smiled at her.
  "My favorite is hide and seek. What's yours?" He asked the girl and she frowned in thought. "Well, I like hide and seek as well, but I also like freeze tag. But I think my favorite is light or dark." The boy raised an eyebrow at the girls comment. "What's light or dark? " he asked curiously. He's never heard of the game and was excited to find out what is was, maybe it was fun! " Well, you think of a thing in your mind, and it sorts into either the light or dark categories. Then once you've thought of the thing, you have to tell the other players what category it falls into, either light or dark. The other players then have to guess what it is by asking twenty questions. If they don't get it right you have to tell them what the thing is. Then you ask the all seeing eye what that means. It's a game to learn more about yourself. " the girl explained with a smile.
  It was the best game, but her guesses were always really bad and her thing was always to easy to guess. "Sounds like fun! I'd like to play it some time with you." The boy said with a kind smile, he was beginning to like the girl. "Why don't we play it today? It's a fast game and my papa will be talking with your mom for a long time. " she asks with an excited tone, she wanted to learn more about the boy who shared similar features with her best friend. "I'll join you two if that's the case. We can ask Vaati to watch us play." A voice echos from the dark and the boy jumps, moving the girl behind him as he draws a small knife from his side as the girl giggles. Placing a hand on the one holding the boys knife she says in a mocking tone " oh of course, oh dark one! Get out of the shadows Dark, your scaring the prince!" A figure chuckles before stepping into the light behind the boy before whispering " boo" in his ear. Jumping back the boy whips around to face his darker half with wide eyes. "My, my, my, if it isn't my light half, prince Link. Been a while since we last saw each other hasn't it?" The boy clad in black asked tauntingly to his blue eyed counter part. In a shocked and shakey voice the prince responds with " What? W-who are you and w-why do you l-look like me?"
   With a sigh the darker copy replied with "Don't worry about it, for now, call me Dark." Hesitantly the prince nods as the princess smirks at this curious exchange between the two boys. "Anyways, let's go talk to Vaati, he'll help us play " Dark states matter of factly and the two royals nod as they then follow the black clad boy to the other side of the castle.
  In the study in of the castle an intense discussion is occurring between the gerudo king and hylian queen. "And do you really think I believe it to be complete coincidence that the hero of time just so happened to be reincarnated as your son Zelda? Especially when I'm here deciding my daughter's future to marry him with you?!" The king asked angrily. How fate was cruel to play this trick on him. Five years of planning about to go down the drain if he can't get this arrangement to work. With a calm and steady tone the queen simply states "It just happened this time Ganondorf, we all knew it could be a possibility that one of us could reincarnate like this. You were the first to produce the idea when you found out about your so called "daughter's" past incarnations." Anger fills the king, memories of his past life filling his head, memories he wished to forget.
   Through gritted teeth the king spits out "Just what are you implying Zelda? She has always been my daughter, and this timeline is no different." Oh how it pleased the queen to see him like this, after all of his torture to her over the past life times. With a smirk the hylian queen says "Yes indeed, but wasn't it only two life times ago did you finally find this out and actually remember? Or that in the last life time yo-" The hylian queen is cut off by a low and deep growl eminating from the gerudo king.
  Ganon glares at the queen, hand reaching for his blade. "Do not speak to me about the last life I had. I raised her then as I am now. There will NEVER be another life where I won't choose her over power. I have learned from that life's mistakes of wanting both. Do I make myself clear on this matter your highness?" Anger fills his voice as it takes all his strength not to cut the woman in front of him down for bringing up that dark life.
  The queen bites back a retort and nods, knowing he will act if she speaks out of line again. Removing his hand from his sword he turns and sits in his chair, motioning for the queen to follow his example. Taking a seat across from the gerudo king Zelda notices just how serious he is about this matter. His eyes shine brightly with determination, and it makes her wonder what caused this sudden change of character. Noticing the woman stare at him intently the king clears his throat, pulling her attention to his words as he speaks. "So, did you read over my proposal?"He asks as if the previous conversation never occurred. Indeed the queen had, and thought about it for these past five years. No where in all her wisdom could she see a hidden motive in his words, and quite seriously this frightened her.
  "I have indeed. But instead of us constantly having to return every summer to the desert, how about we switch every year? One year we shall travel here from June till September and then next you will travel to hyrule castle for those same months?" The gerudo king nods, and they set to work on the arrangement of the two triforces.

(Hey guys! The new chapter is out! I'm actually really proud of my writing style now, it's gotten alot more mature sounding that in previous works I've done. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'll see you in the next one tomorrow!)

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