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I see you shiver... with ANTICI-


"Ughhhh shit" you sigh as you listen to the harsh melody of an alarm clock dragging you from your dream.
"I hate 8ams." you whisper as the ringing fills your ears and are forced to come to your senses.
Hitting the stop button on your alarm, you toss the layers of blankets and sheets off your legs as the cold winter air drifts over your thin pajama bottoms. Pulling yourself from the bed is difficult enough, but not nearly as hard as flipping the switch on the light on your nightstand. Blinded by the artificial whiteness immediately flooding the room, you stumble to the bathroom door to brush your teeth and escape the harsh change of light. As you squeeze the toothpaste onto the bristles you make a selection from an all too familiar soundtrack as you begin to dance and brush your teeth to "Hot Patootie" from Rocky Horror Picture Show. The lyrics brings back the faint memories of your recent slumber where the one and only Frank N Furter appears in your mind. Singing and dancing to the beat, you relive the wonderful dream you had where you found yourself in the castle as a domestic. Well, a little bit more than a domestic. Spitting out the toothpaste you sigh into the mirror.
"If only dreams did come true" you mumble, mouth still numb from the slight peppermint sting.
"The things I would do to that man" you smile into the mirror, remembering your utter lack of experience in anything romantic. There's no harm in fantasizing when it's only a fantasy!
Immediately you check your twitter to look for hilarious posts from friends, and you stumble upon a tweet about one of your closest high school teachers receiving a prestigious award.
"No way! Mr. _______ totally deserves it!"
Messaging him a quick congrats, you begin to roll your black yoga pants onto your legs.
*Hmmmmm maybe I'll wear a decent bra for once. Everything else is dirty* you tell yourself as you unwillingly pick up the only bra in sight. Black lace, push up, underwire... today will be hell. But it's only a few classes, you can get through this. You confidently strap the bra on and realize you unintentionally match your lacy bra with a perfectly identical black thong.
"Maybe today will be a good day after all" you giggle as you slip a soft t shirt over your body. You grab your trusty Nike sneakers and head out of the door, pulling half of your wavy hair into a red velvet scrunchie.
Stepping out of your room you are greeted by the emptiness of the kitchen. Your roommate must have already left. You throw together some tea and begin to head out the door with your backpack, purse, and keys when you hear a faint buzzing sound on the counter.
"My phone!" You exclaim as you run to see a notification from none other than your former teacher.
H: thank you! I'm having a celebration at my home tonight with former colleagues and students if you would like to join for dinner.
You think to yourself about your constant lack of plans and decide it wouldn't hurt to do something for once. You'll just stop by and congratulate him and then come home! Quick, easy, not socially draining. You quickly send back a confirmation.
Y: sure! I'll be there!
As you exchange details and stories you laugh at the reminiscence of it all. Simple texting turns to buzzfeed quizzes, and quizzes turn to celebrity gossip. Soon enough you find yourself glued to pictures of Tim Curry behind the scenes in high fishnet stockings and stark white foundation. Melting over his imminent beauty, you become lost in the marvel that is Frank N Furter.
Suddenly your phone whirs with an extremely jarring ring and you realize your backup alarm clock is telling you to haul ass to class. You look at the time. 7:52.
"SHIT! I'm gonna be late again!"
You pick up your things and run out the door, disappointed that you were once again distracted and set behind schedule.
*tonight will be so nice to see everyone* you ponder as you set a fast pace towards the criminal justice class you nearly miss every Monday.
"At least it will be very low key and chill" you mumble to yourself, unaware of the utter bewilderment in store in just a few hours.

I'm the worst lol

Sweet Dreamsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن