
42 1 0

   October, 2013          Santa Fe, New Mexico

            Reported volcanic eruption. Sudden, no previous symptoms. Two caught in eruption; a boy and a girl. Boy is dead. Girl has symptoms of amnesia. Only two words: Transformation complete.

        No one knows where they came from, or where they were going. No one knows who they are. Perhaps they were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. It is possible no one will ever know, because the only witness alive has no memory. Or perhaps chooses not to.

        Either way, the only information we have is that a boy and girl seeming at least seventeen were about a half of a mile away from an active volcano in northern New Mexico. There was a volcanic eruption that could be seen for miles around, and they were the innocent victims. Or were they? It seems like a stupid idea, but there is a fact burning in my mind, an ember others have left unattended. You see, before last night, satellite pictures show that there was no volcano.

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