"It's only polite since you bought my drink, then I will go back to ignoring you," she deadpans, earning herself the most adorable chuckle.

"Fair, fair. But if I continue having this much fun with nonsense banter, I might have to keep buying you drinks all night to continue the conversation," she challenges, lifting her glass in the air before she tosses back the entire glass of whiskey in one gulp.

"And who says I will allow you to keep buying me drinks?" She snottily retorts, finishing the rest of her drink as well. "Well look at that, I'm all done and so is this conversation."

"That's totally your choice," Emma flippantly says as if she doesn't give a damn what Regina does but before Regina can stand and make her escape, Emma places her hand next to Regina's forearm, never touching but somehow feeling scandalous and says, "but hear me out. What if I buy you another drink and we continue to babble about stupid things and make fun of each other and you actually forget why you came here in the first place and what you were running from or you can go sit across the bar, drown in your own negative thoughts and continue to be harassed by drunken idiots all night."

A blazing heat scorches a path from her toes all the way up to her head. Her jaw juts out in defiance but really she's annoyed that this complete stranger is able to read her so well. She can feel her breathing become labored, especially when this infuriating woman shrugs so carelessly and slides her hand back.

The bartender must notice their empty glasses because he's back again and asks if they want another round. The deputy says that she would like another whiskey and then she turns her attention back to Regina.

"So, how about it? Can I buy you another drink? Or should I say, buy another lively conversation with you?"

Regina rolls her eyes and breathes out an annoyed exhale, yet... "I'll have another." The bartender flashes a cheeky smile and then is on his way to retrieve their drinks. "This is completely inappropriate," she gripes, fidgeting with her paper coaster and refusing to make eye contact.

"Why? We are just two co-workers going out for a couple of drinks after work."

"I am your boss," she stresses, glaring at her employee through her lashes.

The deputy shrugs one shoulder. "Your my boss's boss."

"I am still your superior."

"You're still a person," Emma effortlessly states just as two drinks are set down in front of them. "Thanks, guy." Regina watches this woman curiously, because it's striking to see someone with so much confidence but not in a cocky way, just...secure with who they are as a person without technicalities and social game. Emma is still swallowing when she turns to her, feeling Regina's eyes on her. "So, what brings you out tonight?"

"I could ask you the same."

"Ah, deflecting, okay. Well, as much as I like this small town vibe, I'm missing my friends and family back home and since I'm the new Deputy, I didn't want people to see me out drinking my first week."

Regina hums, sipping on her second drink a lot more carefully because out of nowhere, her head is starting to feel a little fuzzy from that first drink.


"Is that why you picked this place too?"

Regina simply hums again, choosing not to officially answer with words. "So Deputy, besides missing loved ones, are you enjoying Storybrooke so far?"

"You can call me, Emma," she laughs lightly, pivoting on her stool to face Regina properly. "And yeah, it's quaint. Definitely a far cry from the busy city life and what I'm accustomed to but...I like it," she shrugs indifferently, slowly sipping her whiskey but never taking her eyes off her. "How about you? Ever get bored of this place?"

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