Junior Year- At school!

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(O/N)- Other name, that sounds like yours, but not EXACTLY!

Maya's POV:

I heard the bell ring, and I sighed

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I heard the bell ring, and I sighed. Putting my phone in my pocket, I looked at Abigail Adams High School, the place that has been my personal NIGHTMARE for the last 2 years. And I still have 2 more years to complete!

Going to English, I sat next to Farkle. With us being the only two out of our group of six in English together, I had to sit next to my friend. I got my assignment out, a three page essay on Shakesphere, front and back.

Of course, Farkle being Farkle, he did five pages full of facts on Shakesphere, including the list of his famous playwrights, when they were released, and pretty much a short biography about William Shakesphere.

"Maya, when was Romeo and Juliet written and released?" Mrs. Smith asked, and I looked at Farkle. How was I supposed to know this?

"1594?" I said hesitantly, reading what Farkle had on his paper.

"Good job, Miss Hart... Farkle, thanks for helping her out."

The rest of the class flew by, and next thing I knew, the six of us were meeting up to go to History together.

"Mrs. Smith knows me and you too well, Maya. She knows I'll help you out if you're stuck. We need to find a way to keep her from getting suspicious." Farkle said, and I nodded.

"PEACHES!" Riley said, not growing out of that nickname yet.

"Sunshine." I said, smiling at her.

"Short stack." Lucas said.

"Huckleberry!" I shot back. "Smackle, how are you today?"

"I'm doing fine, Maya. Farkle taught me how to add emotion to my voice today." Smackle said, sounding a little flat.

"That's good, Smackle."

"BELGIUM 1831!" Mr. Matthews said, as we all got into the classroom, and got to our seats.

"Not happening." I said, looking at Riley.

"Battle of Paris, liberation day, 1945."

"That's better, Matthews."

(AN- I don't know if this is actually went down, but for the sake of the story, it DID!)

"Paris was under German occupation from 1940 to 1945. In 1945, the allies fought a battle to liberate Paris, France, from the occupation. Sergeant Joseph had a girl there he liked, but he was with another girl. The girl he liked was called Mayena, but he was with (O/N). (O/N) didn't like Mayena. In fact, you could say Mayena made (O/N) jealous. Your assignment tonight is quite simple, actually. You are to write what you think Sergeant Joseph should do, who he should be with. Mayena is blonde, she likes to draw, and she's three years younger than Joseph. (O/N) is blonde, she likes to draw as well, but she is closer to Joseph's age. Meyena is 17, (O/N) is 20, just a few months younger than Joseph." The bell rang as soon as Mr. Matthews quit talking. "Remember, write what Sergeant Joseph SHOULD do. He might not, but you'd be surprised. Has to be AT LEAST 450 words. Class dismissed. I'll see you all tomorrow!"

AN- Sorry I haven't kept up with my schedule. I thought I'd have more time, but the teachers are swamping us with homework. So, my new schedule might be Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. My birthday is November 19, so I'll be out of the house all day celebrating that! Whew! My mother is making a big deal out of it. I'll update again when I get the chance. Josh's POV will be the beginning of next chapter, I just REALLY wanted to get an update in before I did anything else.

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