chapter 28

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Jake's POV:

I went to the Hollywood sign as I always did when I was upset... I pulled up and I noticed Alissa sitting on the hood of her car, I parked my car right next to hers and got on the hood of her car and sat beside her, grabbing her attention.

Jake: You haven't been at school in awhile.
Alissa: I know.
Jake: What are you doing here?
Alissa: I needed a place to think and I remembered about this.
Jake: Yeah, it's my favorite place to come to in any type of situation.
Alissa: I know that. Aren't you supposed to be at school?
Jake: Yeah, I left because I was upset.
Alissa: Oh.

It got silent and we just sat there next to eachother for a couple of minutes, not saying a word. Then she spoke up..

Alissa: Jake?
Jake: Yeah?
Alissa: Why are you here? Like.. With me, sitting next to me? I thought you didn't wanna see me again or something because I cheated on you.
Jake: Yeah... Well I'm not gonna hold a grudge forever.. Besides, you were and always will be the first girl I ever loved. I guess they'll always be a spot for you in my heart. Our families basically have known eachother forever, since we were back in Ohio, we've been through a lot together.
Alissa: Yeah.. Well, I'm really sorry about everything. (looks down)
Jake: (looks at Alissa) It's okay.. We move on to bigger and better things. You'll find someone who is way better than me, who deserves you and appreciates you. I guess it just wasn't meant to be me.
Alissa: But I wanted you to be.
Jake: Yeah..
Alissa: You remember when we first got here to California?
Jake: Yup.
Alissa: We came up here at night, and it was just the two of us. We look up ahead and saw all the lights and buildings and everything. Then we looked at eachother.. I remember how I couldn't stop smiling looking at you, and you had this beautiful smile, a wide smile, your perfect teeth showing and you just looked down on me with your eyes. It made my heart melt. I remember, I told you how I wanted to stay up here forever because it was just so beautiful. And I also asked you, "Could we do this again?" And you said..
Alissa&Jake: "For you, I'd do it a thousand times over."
Jake: (looks at her and smiles) I remember that.. That was the day I had fallen in love with you all over. I wanted to kiss you so bad, I remember so clearly.
Alissa: Yeah.. A thousand times over...
Jake: A thousand times over...
Alissa: Not anymore.

I looked at her and gave her a slight side hug. I stayed quiet because I knew it was true. I wouldn't do it a thousand times over for her anymore. But for Erika, I'd do anything for her a thousand times over. She was my new person, even if she didn't feel the same way towards me.

{Because I love you guys so much, I'll give you guys another chapter today. If you're still up, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for the no Jerika moment in this one though. ): But, trust me, Jerika is coming very soon.}

Instagram: @lomfljerika

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