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"Can a man be brave when he's afraid?"

Chapter two:


When Shikari Nara woke up, she didn't immediately open her eyes. It was a habit of hers to wake up without really opening her eyes, but to make it more simple: her mind was awake, but her body was "resting" to the outside world. Shikari had developed this habit of hers since she was five, in order to get out of doing chores when her mother was away or to just listen in to conversations.

No one really suspected a lover of sleep like her to have that habit.

Except her father, Shikaku Nara.

He could always tell when she was actually awake.

"Who is the girl?"

"For the fourth time, I do not know brother."

There were two men in the room she was in, from what Shikari could deduce. She was also laying on a bed of some sort, not her usual futon. Also, the language that the men were speaking was nothing like her own, which may or may not rule off the kidnapping her because she's the Nara heiress theory. Though, Shikari wasn't sure if they were just speaking this strange language on purpose or if they really didn't know her language.

Either way, it put her at a disadvantage called language barrier, which greatly reduced her chance of communicating and inquiring about Konoha.

A sigh escaped one of the two men in the room. "And you found her all alone in the snow?"

"She was freezing brother and you saw what she was wearing before. I could not just leave her to die."

"I understand. She is lucky your paths crossed, otherwise..."

A silence befell the room.

Shikari, knowing she couldn't feign sleep forever, took this as her chance to "wake up" by fake stirring. Her eyes, the typical Nara brown, wearily opened and she immediately felt the men staring at her as she sat up, wincing a bit at the effort it took.

She absently noted that she had been dressed up into a dress and bit back a cringe, she preferred her normal clothes, but at least this dress she was wearing did a better job at fighting the cold than her kimono did. She was still cold though.

"Which one of you was the one who found me?" Shikari asked, narrowing her eyes at them in focus.

Neither gave away any recognition.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2017 ⏰

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