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The sun set and the party started, I don't know why I just wasn't in the mood to dance or drink. I just wanted to get away, be alone with my thoughts for a while. I found my way down to the beach and started drawing in the sand. I relished in the sound of the waves and the peace it brought me, knowing that it wasn't going to last long.

"There she is." Dom said as he walked up to me. "Why you out here, all alone?"

I didn't answer right away, he and I knew this talk was coming and we both seemed to love avoiding it. But not anymore, "There closing in." I stated not looking up, I finished my flower design before brushing my hands off and running them though my hair. "Aren't they?"

Dom sighed and took a seat behind me, pulling me up to meet his chest. "Yeah, they are. They're getting hungrier."

I laughed slightly as I watched the waves lap the shore. "I heard Rio's nice this year."

"I'm a walking target." Dom commented looking down at me, brushing a piece of hair from my face. "I don't want you around when they catch up to me."

"I'm not leaving you." I stated firmly, sitting up straighter and twisting around in his arms. He didn't say anything, he just stared at me. "Dom, I'm not leaving you." Still nothing. I decided to try a different tactic and climbed onto his lap taking his face in my hands. "We are in this together. Nothing's ever going to break us, remember?"


"Don't," I said my voice betraying me, breaking a little. "Where ever you go, I go. I love you too much to let go."

"If they catch me..."

"They won't." I assured, more myself then him. "Because you're Dominic Toretto, and you're smarter than any of those cops. Plus, if you leave without me who is going to call you on your bull?"

Dom broke a small smile but his features soon returned to serious. "We got to go tonight." He stated, as he let out a breath. "You can't tell anyone, not even Letty."

I bowed my head and nodded lightly. "Okay, I'll go pack."

"Emily, you don't have to do this." Dom sighed. "I want you too, but I'm going to fall off the face of the earth."

"We." I corrected. "We, are going to fall off the face of the earth." Leaning in, pulling him into a gentle kiss. He moved his hands onto my hips and pulled me closer. "You're not in this alone." I smiled softly after we broke apart.

A little while later I was able to sneak away from the party goers and make my way back to the cabin Dom and I shared. Dom told me he's going to meet me there that he just had to tie up some lose ends with Han. It was dark and I could barely make out a figure coming towards me, I squinted my eyes and realized it was Letty. Shit.

"Hey, chica." She smiled pulling me into a one armed hug. "How's it hanging?"

I plastered on a fake smile and replied. "I got a headache, so I'm going head to bed early."

"You sure?" We could go tear up the dance floor?" She suggested with a smile, nudging me a little. "Do a couple body shots off hot guys?"

I let out a laughed and smiled. "Yeah, I would but my head's really hurting." That wasn't a lie, I was hurting just not physically. I smiled again trying desperately to hold back the tears that welled in my eyes. "Night."

"Night." Letty shrugged, headed back towards the party.

I couldn't hold it in. "Letty." I called, she spun around and looked at me. "I love you, ya know?"

Letty smirked and raised her glass. "I love you too, chica." I watched her turn around and walk away. The realization must have kicked in because I let out a quiet sob. I was never going to see her again.

I hope everyone liked this chapter. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2017 ⏰

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