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He walked to the black edge, full with rain water who began to fall from the new grey sky.

Never again, he doesn't want compagny. Never again, he doesn't want a friend.

The drops came really fast, just like the beats of his heart. He advanced a few meters furter, and a few centimeters.

Now, there is only 1 centimeter who separated him from the hundreds of meters from the ground. Envy wasn't the only feeling he felt at that moment. 

But a superhuman force caught him in his stride.

''-Who is it?''

The little boy still disturbed by his sadness, didn't understand what was going on. An human presence took him in his arm. But he cannot see him.

''-I must be dreaming...''

The little boy resumed his mind and returned at the same place he was a few seconds ago. He heard a voice who ejected him backward, to avoid the void.

''-Who is it?''

Again, he heard a voice. A voice who beg him to stay.

''-Why should I stay? No, I don't even know if I'm talking to my self or someone.''


So.... it's the first chapter... if you want to read the one in french, it is on @minhwoo !! Yes! The original one is in french! I hope they are not that much mistakes.... thank you♡

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