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•Yuna's POV•

I pull my keys out of my pocket and unlock the front door. Kicking off my shoes I step inside and toss my book bag on the table, that's usually used for keys and other small things, but there's no one here to scold me for misusing it. My parents are never home, they work with the parents of our neighboring household. The four of them started a company that does everything 'car', but that doesn't mean they make a great profit. Because of that they work insane hours and are never home, me and my neighbor technically raised ourselves, well he mostly raised me, like the older brother I never had.
      My neighbor, Sebastian Halcroft, is not like most teens around. I bet that sounds typical but he really is different. He always has been... especially to me. People call him a 'bad boy' or 'emo' or whatever gets the picture of a troubled teenager in your head. That's probably why he is so popular with girls at our school, that and he's practically gorgeous. Even though he's the 'weird, emotionally detached' guy, girls still fall for him because of his perverted mind and his beautiful face. Most try to change him, but fail.
      Not only would some people call him troubled, but they might also call him a womanizer. Skipping from girl to girl, bed to bed, but it's not entirely his fault. I guess since he suffers from depression it's just one of the ways he keeps suicide off his mind. That and writing, music, drawing, and something else he would never come to tell me.
      Since he's like a brother to me, I always help him when he's in need, and he does the same in return. No matter the hardship.
But even if I see him like a brother, that doesn't stop me from having more intense feelings for him. Seeing him date all these girls is never easy, but I don't think he feels the same way so I just keep it to myself.
      I walk into my room and see my cat, Sammy, stretch out and begin to purr at my presence. I stroke his back a few times then walk into my bathroom. I stop in front of the mirror and huff at my appearance. I reach up and take down the bun perched on my head. My curly brown hair falls down to my shoulders and I run my fingers through it a bit to fix it. It seems kind of short but that's mostly because it's so puffy, it would probably go down to the middle of my back if I straightened it. I pull down my baggy sweatshirt, the bottom barely fitting over my hips. I put my hands on my slim waist and turn side to side, inspecting my outfit. "Just as I thought," I say to myself, "I look like a little boy." I look at my brown eyes and take off my glasses. I smile, "a slight improvement." I rub the dent in my button nose where the glasses sat and exit the bathroom.
      I walk over to my bedroom window and peer through the blinds. Both the neighboring cars were gone, hinting that Sebastian is probably still at band practice. I step away from the window and plop down on the bed just in time to feel my phone, in my jeans pocket, begin to vibrate. I feel for the bump in my pants then pull the cell out. Its Connor.... I swipe the screen and bring the phone to my ear, "hello?" "Hey!" said a chipper voice, "Can I come over and we do our homework together?" "Why not," I said with a giggle.
      Connor has been my friend since second grade. She is always silly, sarcastic, and cheerful. She has long, brown hair and blue eyes. Most people hear her voice and see her face and think she is like any other stuck up girl at any high school but that's not really the case. She has a laidback style and doesn't have many friends, but she does have a lot of admirers. She's kind of the unpopular, popular girl if you ask me.
      "Awesome! I'll be over in a bit, I kinda need a pick me up," she says. "Alright, get me a drink will ya?" I hang up the phone and set it on my nightstand.
      With my glasses back on I sit down on my bed and begin working on my homework. After a few problems I hear my front door open and Connor walk in. "I'm here!"
"I'm in my room!" I yell back. She walks into my room, takes my glasses of my face and put them on hers. She look around then looks back at me. Giving me a little smirk she uses her fingers to move the glasses up and down. "I like these, I might have to steal them" she says. "How about no, im legally blind," I giggle. She scoffs, "fine", but giggles as well. She takes her backpack off her back and digs around in it. Pulling out an energy drink, she tosses it to me. "As requested," she says. I smile, "thank you."
She hands my glasses back to me and sits on my bed. Her straight brown hair reaches about to her thighs when she sits. She has darker, ocean colored eyes and fair skin. She has a small build, tiny but curvy, and she stands two or three inches shorter than me. She's wearing ripped bluejeans and a yellow lacy crop top with an oversized varsity jacket hanging off one shoulder.
"And who's jacket is that?" I ask giving her a smirk. She looks at me, "oh it's Harley's. I was cold in class today and he gave it to me. Isn't he so sweet?" I smile, "you can be so oblivious sometimes..." She gives me a pugnacious face. "I am not!" She protests. "Okay okay... my bad," I say snickering.
      "Ugh, I am so bored!" Connor throws her book to the side and falls on her back onto my pillows. I close my book, "well, I guess we can take a break then." I set my book on the bed and the sound of a car moving next door brings my eyes to the window. Connor also hears the movement, looks at the window and giggles. "Your boyfriend's home!" I stand up and glare at her, "he's not by boyfriend." She calms her giggling, "yet."
      I pull down the blinds and peer out the window. Sebastian is getting out of his car. His longish, black hair sticks to his face and his grey shirt has dark grey splotches on it from sweat. I guess the band director worked them hard today. He opens the back seat of his car and pulls out a saxophone case. But I'm glad he has something other than the bedroom to keep him busy.
      He locks the car and steps inside. I can't hear Connor anymore so I turn around. Aaaand she's gone, what the hell? I turn back around to look out the window and see Connor knocking on Sebastian's door. My eyes shoot wide open. I turn and sprint from the window and outside just in time to see Sebastian open the door. He is still in the same condition I saw him in before. Even so, his face lights up when he sees me and my heart clenches. "Hey Yuna, Connor, what's up?" Connor smiles, "nothing much, just thought we'd stop bye." "Sweet, come on in," he steps aside and let's us by. Connor walks into his living room and plops down on his couch and turns on the tv. Two years ago I would have done the same, but all I can do now is stand behind the couch like an awkward, blushing mess. He shuts the door and steps into the room as well, "I'm gonna take a shower," says Seb as he walks towards his room. "Fine with me," Connor yells after him.
Hey guys, I know the story seems boring now but it will get much better and the chapters will get longer. So stick with me and tell me what u think of my story so far. 🤗

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2020 ⏰

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