"Well Kate, just so you know starring is rude, next time take a picture it'll last longer" I say sassing her.

"Here" she says. I look at it's it a piece of paper.

"Sorry sweetheart, but I don't roll that way" I say giving it back to her then I walk away. Heading back to my dorm.

Once there I let out a heavy sigh, that was exhausting.

"Whoa, that was a heavy sigh, what happened to you?" I hear Vic say then I see him walk in without a shirt on. Omg.

"Your still here" I ask.

"Just got here" He says.

"Well that doesn't explain this" I say motioning to his bare chest.

"Well if you must know, I have to change cause I had my phys ed class and I was sweating" he says to me.

"Oh" i say then lay down and rub my temples to relieve stress.

"So how was it? Class?" He asks putting a shirt on.

"Fine only everyone was starring at me, especially this one girl who was on both classes then she came up to me after" I tell him.

"Oh, well that can't be too bad for you right?" Then he winks.

"Don't know if I told you but I'm not into girls" I say.

"Oh" then he blushes and turns to his bed. I don't think he wanted me to see that but I did.


It's now Friday and the weekend and Vic tells me that there's a party going on in the dorm that his boyfriend lives in tonight. So he invited me to go with him. So obviously I am who doesn't want to go to a college party? I'm already dressed and so is Vic.

"Ready for your first college party Kels" he say.

"Definitely, this bound to be more fun then any other party I've been to for work" I say.

"Oh most likely" he says in a joking manner.

We walk the rest of the way, I follow him cause I have no idea where the dorm were going to is. We enter a building and you can already hear the music blasting. We get up to the actual room, and once we walk in there's like the entire campus crammed into this dorm.

"Well I'm off to find Jaime, have fun" Vic yells so I can hear him over the music. I just nod.

I walk around watching people dancing and kissing and things. I find the kitchen where there's all kinds of alcoholic drinks. I grab a can of beer. I haven't really drank besides the occasional wine with a client every now and then.

I end up drinking the whole can, and another in a matter of half an hour. It's very freeing doing things like this without worry. That when I realize what I've been missing, and that at 22 I should be doing things like this all the time. I go back to get a harder liquor I can handle it, I'm a big boy. So I grab the whiskey and fill up a cup. I make my way to the main room where the music is playing, I end up tripping over someone. I mumble a sorry and keep walking. I noticed people staring when I walked in, but now I don't think my drunken mind notices or cares. Until I bump into someone.

"Oh, hey Vic" I slur.

"Hey?" He says like a question.

"Oh hey Vic's boyfriend I don't remember your name" I say.

"It's Jaime, Kellin" Vic says. I start to giggle.

"Hi- Me" I laugh again.

"Ok I think you've have enough of that" Vic says and takes the cup from my hand.

"H-Hey" I protest hiccuping, trying to grab it from him. He keeps holding away from me.

Then I walk away from then I end up bumping into other people, I fall from the impact, and I just laugh.

"Ok you come with me" I hear someone say, it sounds familiar. I look and I see Vic standing over me. Hi-me was with him. He helps me up from the floor.

"Come on Kellin, I'll take you back to the dorm" he says.

"No way this way to much fun" I reject slurring.

"Then let's go for a walk then we'll come back, ok" he says.

"Ok!" I say excited.

He whispers something to Hi-me and then we start walking. I have no idea where we're going.

"Vic when we going back to the part-ee?" I ask.

"Soon, come on" i continues to follow him.

We get to a building, but when we end up in front of the dorm I realized tricked me.

"Hey you tricked me" I pout.

"Yeah I did, I had to get you out of there before something happened" he says.

"I'm old enough to anything I want" I say angrily.

"I know, but I'm looking out for you, you went from 0-100 quick, that's not good Kellin"

"What's it to ya, it's my life" then this wave of something comes over me and run to the bathroom and vomit into the toilet.

"See" He says then hands me some water.

"Go lay down" he tells me. I obey and lay on my bed. I don't know what happened after that, all I know is I'm sleepy, so I fall asleep.

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