Chapter 1

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Kellin pov

As the limo pulls up to the front of the University, I admit I'm nervous I've never been in this type of environment. And my parents hate me for doing this but I paid for it so I don't get it. Anyway, my agent didn't care but tried to talk me out of dorming, but I want the full experience. So I am and I'm going to have a roommate. I'm excited, I wonder if he'll know who I am? Maybe he'll hate me for that? Whatever, that's not my problem.

The driver comes around to open the door for me and the guys who'll bring my stuff up to the room. I pull out my suitcase and go over to the registrations to sign in. I walk up to the girl behind the counter. She looks up at me and a state of shock washes over her.

"Hi! I'm sorry Mr. Quinn but when they said that you'll be attending here I thought it was a joke"  she said excitedly. She knows who I am, I smile at her.

"It's no problem" I say nicely.

"Right let me get you all signed in" then the puts her focus back on the computer in front of her.

There's a few silent moments of just the clicking of the keys on the keyboard and whispers. I noticed others staring at me. One girl even had her phone out and I'm sure took a picture.

"Well here you go, your schedule, your room key and a map of the school" she says has he hands me everything.

"Thanks" I say turning to leave.

"Wait!, Mr Quinn, could I maybe get a picture?" She asks.

"Sure" I say politely.

We stand for the picture and then after that I leave to go back to the limo and get the guys to bring my stuff up to my new dorm room.

"Here guys my dorm is 570D, bring everything up there and I'll meet you there ok" I tell them, they nod in understanding, then I leave them to make my way through the campus, to find the dormitory.

I found it easily and I find the room number. I unlock the door. No ones here, I shrug it off. But I do see stuff on one of the beds, I guess my roommate is here already. I see a bunch of magazines laying on top of the bed. All of which I was in at some point in my career, I shrug again, and I lay on the other bed and then I hear the door open again.

"Sorry I didn't— oh my god" I see a boy say. He's cute. Long chestnut colored hair a snapback on his head, tan and his whole attire screams relaxed. A tie dye sweatshirt and black skinny jeans and a pair of Vans. If I dressed like that it'd be in the tabloids in three seconds.

"What?, what's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing, nothings wrong, it's just your Kellin Quinn" He says.

"Yeah, so?" I ask I'm confused.

"Your a huge model, what are you doing in my dorm room?" He asks.

"I live here now, I'm your roommate" I say.

"No, this has got to be a sick joke, your not really here, when I open my eyes again, you'll be gone" he says as he closes his eyes.

I walk behind him and he opened his eyes again and sighs.

"Still here" I say and he jumps, I try and hold back a laugh. I scared him.

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