Chapter 2: The Surprise

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Isabella's POV:

Within 30 seconds after regaining conscious, I look around and I see my mom, dad, little sisters, and brothers, all with the biggest smiles on their faces which kinda creeps me out. I remember that I'm on the floor and there is a heavy weight on top of me. I look up to find Christina laughing at my confused expression. 

I- " What are you doing here at 7:00 in the morning? Most importantly, why did you tackle me!? " I asked.

C- " One, because I'm part of your surprise and two, because I had to make sure to wake you up. Not that you wouldn't get fully awake by the news. I just like tackling people haha. " she replied.

I- " What news?! " I asked getting frustrated while noticing that there was no breakfast.

There was an awkward moment of silence of everyone staring at each other. 

Finally my mom and dad walk up to me.

M- " Honey, there's something your father and I need to tell you. " she said in a worried voice.

D- " Just remember that we love you. " he continued.

I- " Just tell me already your freaking me out!! " as everything I've ever done that might get me in trouble run through my head all at once.

M&D- " YOUR GOING TO MAGCON FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY!! " they yell in sync.

I bursted out into tears jumping onto my parents, squeezing them as hard as I could. 

I- " Are you serious?? " I asked.

M- " Why would we lie to you about this. You've been waiting for so long and you deserve it. " she answered.

I- " Oh my gosh, I can't believe this is really happening. Like, I can't thank you enough. I love you guys so much! " I said again with tears rushing down my face. 

Embracing the moment, I remember that Christina was still here.

I- " The surprise is out, so why are you here? " I asked.

C- " Girl. You don't think you're going by yourself, do you? I'm going with you! Our parents rented us a hotel room for just us for the weekend! " she replied.

Screams of excitement filled the house.

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