Chapter 8

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We layed on my bed for what seemed like forever, not saying anything. After a while, Andy let go of me and sat up.

"I'm so sorry.." He whispered before walking out swiftly.

I sat up and pulled my knees up to my chest, covering my face. What just happened? I wanted to follow him, to ask him why he apologized for that. I didn't kiss him. He kissed me. My heart sank as I realized what had happened.

I was his rebound.

I slowly got to my feet and walked back to the living room. Andy, CC, and Jinxx were gone. Sammi and Ashley were sitting on the couch, watching what I assumed was a Black Veil Brides music video. I sat down next to Sammi and looked at the screen. She was right. Andy was a good singer. He was a great singer.

"What song is this?" I asked.

"Rebel Love Song." Ashley said, staring at himself on the screen. "Am I really that attractive? Damn."

"Wow, Ashley." Sammi laughed.

"Um, where did the rest of the guys go?"

Sammi sighed. "Andy came out of your room and stormed out, he looked pretty upset. CC and Jinxx followed him. What did you say to him, Cora?"

"W-We didn't do a lot of talking." I stared at the ground.

"Well," Ashley said, looking at his phone. "Jinxx just texted me, and apparently Andy locked himself in his room. They think he's throwing things against the wall."

I sighed. "Ashley, will you drive me to his house, please?"

He nodded and hopped up off the couch, heading for the door with me close behind.

The ride there was mostly silent except for the constant whir of the engine. Ashley turned on the radio and popped in a Misfits CD. A few seconds later he was singing along to "Die, Die My Darling".

We pulled into the driveway of a nice looking house with stone steps leading to the door. I hopped out quickly and ran to the door, knocking three times, then waiting. CC opened the door and quickly moved to allow us inside.

"What are you two doing here?" He asked.

"Where's Andy?" I asked in reply, ignoring his question.

Jinxx, who was just coming out of a door along the hallway, said, "Go up the stairs, his room is the last one on the right. Good luck getting him to open it though."

I rushed up the stairs and down the hallway before pounding on the door, using all the strength I could muster up.

"Go the fuck away!" Andy shouted, then there was a loud thud.

"Andy," I begged. "Please talk to me."

As soon as I spoke the noises coming from the room stopped. I could hear a shuffling of feet and I knew he was right on the otherside of the door, listening.

"Open the door.." I whispered.

I heard him sigh, and another loud thud echoed from the room. Many thuds, actually. The framed posters on the wall began shaking.

"Andy!" I shouted, hitting the door once again, feeling a pain in my knuckles as I did so. The knob began to move, and then the door opened, revealing a very pissed looking man.

"What?" He hissed.

I looked at the ground, the venom in his voice hurting me. "Let me in." I whispered.

I did a quick once over from his toes all the way to his head, stopping when I saw the blood on both of his knuckles. He wasn't throwing things at the wall. He was hitting the wall. I pushed passed him and into the room, seeing multiple sizable holes along the black walls. Andy slammed the door and crossed his arms over  his chest, staring at me.

"What do you want?" His voice cracked at the word "want".

"What's wrong?" I whispered, tears welling up in my eyes.

He sighed, and continue looking at me. Although his eyes were not reflective anymore, they were filled with compassion and care. He grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him, wrapping his arms around me. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks.

"I have feelings for you," He whispered. "feelings I shouldn't have."

A lump rose in my throat at those words.

"You don't want to have feelings for me?" I asked calmly through my steady stream of tears.

He gently grabbed my shoulders and looked into my eyes. "No, no! Coraline, you're beautiful. You're smart, you're amazing. Being with you, kissing you, holding you, was amazing. I would love to make you mine. But-"

"But?" I sighed. There was always a but.

He laughed. Not because anything was funny, but because there was nothing else to say. "But I'm afraid. After Juliet, I lost everything. She was my everything, and I lost her. I don't want the same thing to happen with you."

I looked at the ground, fresh tears sprouting. "It won't." I whispered, barely loud enough to be heard. He grabbed my chin lightly and made me look at him.

"Promise?" He smiled.

"I swear." I said, staring into his gorgeous eyes.

And then he kissed me.

Rebel Love Song (An Andy Biersack Fan Fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon