Chapter 4

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After Jinxx gave mercy and put Sammi down, she came and sat next to me, sighing and jokingly putting her head on my shoulder. Jinxx looked at his watch and his eyes got wide.

"Guys, we're late. We have to be at the studio in less than 10 minutes." 

I expected the guys to groan or give some kind of resistance to this news, but every single one of them seemed excited to go work. Strange. Jinxx gave Sammi a quick peck on the cheek before bolting out the door, followed quickly by the rest of them.

"Where are they going?" I asked quietly.

"To the studio." Sammi said as she walked into the kitchen. I followed, sitting at a bar stool while she rambled through the cabinets.

"To do what?"

"To record."

"...Record what?"

Sammi laughed. "Cora, dear, I swear you live under a rock. You don't know what they do, do you?"

"Not a clue." I sighed.

"Wait here." She said.

She walked down the hall and into what I expect to be her bedroom, coming back out with a black shirt. She held it up to me.

"Look familiar?" She laughed.

I read the shirt slowly. Black Veil Brides. Not even noticing the faces until after I'd read the name. I saw Jinxx, Andy, CC, and the other two, whose names I hadn't yet gotten.

"So, they're a band?" I asked.

"Yes!" Sammi said, still giggling.

"Who are those two?" I questioned, pointing at the two whose names I didn't know.

"That's Jake and Ashley. Jake plays guitar, like Jinxx, and Ashley plays bass. CC's the drummer."

"W-What about Andy?" I whispered. I felt myself blush slightly.

"Andy? He's the singer. He's pretty good, too."

Sammi had high standards when it came to stuff like that. All singers are like that. So I knew if she said he was good, he was good.

Sammi groaned. "I need to go take a shower. I have to go meet the guys in an hour. You'll be okay here by yourself, won't you?"

I nodded and went to sit on the couch as she went to take her shower and get ready. Sammi was also in a band. A very good one, at that. My Satellite, they were called. She played keyboards in the band, even though she was an amazing singer. I flipped on the TV and watched Cake Boss until Sammi said Goodbye and walked out the door. 

As soon as the door closed, I was rushing towards my room. I ran inside and shut the door tight, reaching for one of the blades taped under the bed. I rolled up the sleeves of my shirt and closed my eyes, feeling the cool metal of the blade against my skin, wincing in pain as it broke through. I needed to shake this feeling. This attraction I held for Andy. If I couldn't make it go away, then God damnit, I'd bleed it out. I cut two more times before walking quickly to the bathroom and wrapping a towel around it. I felt bad about ruining the towel, but it was that or the floor. I searched through the medicine cabinet until I found a bandage large enough to cover all three of the wounds, and patched it up tight. The sleeve of my shirt was stained with blood, so I threw it off and pulled on a Misfits shirt instead, throwing the Batman shirt and the bloody towel in the very bottom of the laundry bin.

I walked back into the living room and sat down, turning the TV to a more interesting show. I layed my head down on a throw pillow, and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

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