"I reiterated your message to Mr. Stark, and he would like to speak with you and Captain Rogers now," FRIDAY interrupted, while Nat pushed me towards the hallway.

"Tell Tony to go fuck himself," I hissed, before Red pushed me into my bedroom, and slammed the door behind her.
I squared my shoulders and popped my neck, unable to catch my harsh breaths. I didn't know or understand why I was angry. I mean of course I was upset, hearing the pain in Tony's voice as we talked about our past.
After almost five years with Steve, and I just learned Tony still had feelings for me, and it hurt knowing I couldn't give him what he wanted. Everything I had belonged too that fucken blue eyed moron up front, but he had no right being angry at me for telling Tony things about our lives, or how I reacted once Tony told me.
My relationship with Tony was mine, and I didn't have to explain shit.

"Now, do you want to tell me what the hell's the matter with you?" Natasha huffed, pushing her long red hair off her face, "and it better be good, it's been a while since I've seen Steve this mad.."

"He told her what?!" Bucky mustered, watching Steve pace back and forth in their living room, "this has nothing to do with him or (y/n), or you, this is between Nat, Bruce and myself, what was the hell was he thinking?"
"Because (y/n) reiterated to Tony that Bruce was doing the same thing to Tasha as he did to her, alienating them from their lives. It was one of the reasons she left Tony in the first place, and (y/n) assumed, it's one of the reasons Tasha let your relationship get as far as it has, but he had no right to lay this on her, regardless his reasons, safety, protection, whatever..," Steve countered, trying to reel in his anger. He had no idea why he was so angry, or why his wife was angry. Well he knew why he was angry, but admitting it, was a different story.
He knew about Tony's feelings, and he accepted (y/n) went to him with everything, just as he did with Buck, and Sam, but knowing she had talked to Tony, her ex, who was still in love with her, about their sex lives was crossing a line, wasn't it?
Yes, yes it was, and he didn't care if he was being an ass. He wasn't to happy with Tony either because if he knew (y/n) at all, he'd know exactly what that information was going to do to her. What the hell did Tony expect her to do when he told her all that?
He shook his head, all he really wanted to do was hold her, and tell her everything was going to be okay, but as he met Buck's eyes, he had to finally admit he was jealous and maybe a little scared.
Jealous that Tony would admit something like that to his wife, along with jealous and scared that she was overwhelmingly upset over it, as if Tony's confession meant more to her than what happened between them this past weekend. He felt awful but it was there.
His jealousy was always there, a small tinge, but he trusted her, and strangely, he trusted Tony.
The only person who really knew about his small tinge of jealousy was Bucky, but he never let it get in the way of his relationship, at least in the past.
He, for one, knew how important friendship was, especially hers with Tony, but he couldn't help but wonder if her sadness meant something more, even after their small confessions this weekend, and that scared him.
Here he was, after having one of the best weekends of his entire life with the woman he loved beyond all reason and doubt, only to feel like he lost her a little bit, even though he didn't doubt her love for him.

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