A small gift of love

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Freddy's POV  

I need a way of fixing this with mika. I know, what does she love most, music. I then start writing a love song on my feelings for mika. As soon as I was finished I heard my doorbell go off so I go up and answer it to find Marissa at the door

Marissa: hey fredbear I'm so happy that your my boyfriend again

Freddy: I'm not your boyfriend Marissa just leave me and Tomika alone

Marissa: why would I do that silly you asked me to be your girlfriend at the party

Freddy: no I didn't I was with mika the whole time

Marissa: you weren't well the bits you remember you were

Freddy: what are you going on about

Marissa: I spiked your waters

Freddy: what

Marissa: you were making out with me for most of the party and some guys was doing the same thing we did with tomika, she just doesn't know

I then start to get angry. But I manage to calm down and I make my way to mika's. Once I ring the doorbell she answers but when she sees that it's me she starts to tear up

Freddy: mika let me explain please

Tomika: you obviously still like her Freddy

Freddy: she spiked our drinks that's why I don't remember

Tomika: you still kissed her though

Freddy: she said a guy did what we were doing to you mika

Tomika: what, that would explain the hickey I saw this morning

Freddy: what hickey

Mika then shows me the hickey and I start to get jealous and she giggles so I knew she noticed

Tomika: now you know how I felt when Marissa said you made out with her

Freddy: mika I really love you not Marissa ok, she's nothing to me

Tomika: do you mean that

Freddy: I wrote you a song

Tomika: can you sing it to me

Freddy: ok

When I finished singing Tomika was in tears and she ran up to me and jumped into my arms and I swung her around

Tomika: I love you too Fred

Freddy: are we ok now

Tomika: more then ok

Marissa: I love the song babe

Tomika: get out of my house

Marissa: you won't kick out Freddy's girlfriend

Tomika: your not his girlfriend

Marissa: I am love he asked me at his brothers party after our make out session

Freddy: mika

Tomika: Fred it's ok I know she's lying

And with that Marissa storms out of mika's house

Summer's POV

Right now me and Zack are on our way to Tomika to check up on her. I really hope that she is ok

Summer: do you think Tomika is ok zackie

Zack: I don't know she looked really upset yesterday

We then get to Tomika's house and I ring the doorbell and Freddy answers. Why is he there

Freddy: mika its zummer

Tomika: are you going to let them in Fred or let them freeze to death on the porch

Freddy: alright alright I'm letting them in

Freddy then moves out the way and I make my way up to Tomika and I pull her into somewhere private

Summer: erm why is Freddy here

Tomika: because we made up

Summer: what

Tomika: your not happy that we made up

Summer: no I am but I'm confused just yesterday you could look at him without crying

Tomika: let's just say he made it up to me

Summer: what about the whole Marissa thing

Tomika: I forgave him

Summer: Tomix

Tomika: Marissa slicked our drinks. And he said that Marissa told him that guys did it to me which would explain the hickey I found this morning

Summer: wait what

Tomika then shows me the hickey

Summer: I'm so glad you guys sorted it out cause treddy is couple goals


Zack: spill it dude

Freddy: ok me and Tomika made up

Zack: no way she forgave you for kissing your ex

Freddy: Marissa spiked our drinks which is why we don't remember

Zack: dude you need to tell her off. Tell her your not interested anymore

Freddy: don't you think I've tried. She so stubborn

Zack: you need something to keep her occupied why don't you try and get her a boyfriend

Freddy: I'm not doing anything to help her

Zack: do you want her off your back or not

Freddy (groans): fine

Me and Tomika then walk up to the boys. Tomika walks up to Freddy and he puts he hand on her waist and Tomika snuggles into the side of him

Summer: why don't we watch a movie

Freddy: sure, horror

Tomika: yeah

Zummer: no

Freddy: why not guys

Zummer: you know we hate horror Freddy

Treddy: please guys

Zummer: fine

Tomika then puts in a horror movie and I see that treddy are already snuggled up with each other. I then rest my head into Zack's chest and he puts his arm around me and I start to fall asleep but before I do I could see that Tomika was already asleep, she must be tired

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