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"Could you please tell me who did this to you?!" Alex yelled in irritation. I rolled my eyes at him as he glanced at me. Patty left the room a while ago after wrapping me up so now I'm stuck with this moron for a while.

"Alex, for the last time... NO!" I glared at him. He pouts and crosses his arms.

"You're mean." He retorted. I laughed and shook my head at him.

"And you're annoying," I replied. He smirked and licked his lips. My eyes landed on them causing me to gulp then look back at him. It's funny how yesterday we'd pass each other like complete strangers and now we're having a conversation. But just like everyone else, he'll leave when he has my heart captured in his hands. Then when I least expect it, he'll crush it into a million pieces. The thought made me cringe.

"What's on your mind?" He asked snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked down and shook my head. "Nothing, really," I replied. His smile faded and his eyebrows furrowed. He opened his mouth to say something but the bell rang, cutting him off.

"Uh, you better head on for lunch," I said averting my eyes. I really didn't want him to go, but then again it's not like he'll want to stay. Besides, he only stayed because it would be rude to just leave.

"Yeah...I guess so." He agreed and stood up from the chair. He smiled and walked over to the door.

"See you later!"

"What was that all about?" Patty's voice said. I looked over at the door which led to the principle's office to see her coming out with a smirk on her face. I blushed and shrugged.

"I... I don't know." I mumbled and looked down with a small smile.

"You're totally crushing, aren't you." She squealed causing me to gasp and shush her.

"You're too fucking loud! And maybe I am, maybe I'm not," I mumbled, my cheeks tinting ruddy.

"Say whatever you want, Keith. But I'm a hundred percent sure that you like him," She winked and giggled before sitting down on the chair Alex once was on.

"Anyways, you gotta stay home for a few days. Those bruises will take a while to heal," She said.

"So my ribs aren't broken?" I asked. She looked at me as If I was stupid. Heck, maybe I am.

"You'd be in the hospital sweetie. Cause you damn well know that I'd bring you to the hospital if that ever happens," She laughed a little. She does have a point.

"Right. So how's Aidan and Kayden?" I asked, changing the subject. As soon as I mentioned their names, her face lit up with a smile. Aidan and Kayden were Patty's children. They're identical twins so it's pretty hard to figure out which one is which. If you know them very well, then you'd realize that the only difference between them is that Aidan has freckles and Kayden has dimples.

"They're doing alright, but Kayden has been really naughty throughout the past few days. He keeps hitting Aidan," Patty explained with a sigh. The thought of Kayden hitting Aidan flashed in my mind causing me to chuckle.

"They're brothers. That's what brothers do," I replied and smiled. She shrugged and looked out of the window like she always does.

Just like that, my mind lingered to Alex.

He's so gorgeous.

My insides would fill with butterflies every time I think about him.

I wonder why he said what he said earlier about bullying. I mean, I'm the school's nerd. I'm supposed to get bullied. Isn't that how the story goes?! The nerd gets rescued by the hottest guy in the school who falls in love with the hottest girl in the school and they live happily ever after while the nerd stays single for the rest of his life.

Yeah, Wonderful story. Blah, blah, blah. I die and go to hell. Blah, blah, blah. The end.

"Are you guys always this quiet?" A voice asked crashing my train of thoughts. I looked towards the door to see Alex standing there with amusement in his eyes. Patty cleared her throat before excusing herself out. I glared at her but all she did was grin and wink before walking into the office. I wonder why she likes to go in there so much.

"You came back," I murmured underneath my breath. I was kinda shocked and excited but didn't let it show. He raised an eyebrow and mentioned for me to repeat myself but I shook my head.

"Ok, since you don't wanna tell me what you said, how about getting you to eat. Do you like orange juice? Or apple? Sorry, I didn't know which one you liked so I took both," He said with a nervous smile. I stared at him dumbfounded before giving a nervous laugh.

"I like both, but I'll go with apple," I said. He nodded and handed me the bottle of apple juice.

"Chicken or fish?" He asked and stretched out both his hands which held a burger in each.

"Chicken," I replied and took the burger out of his hand.

"You know, you didn't have to do this. I could've eaten at home," I said looking at him. He just shrugged.

"I wanted to do it, so I did it," He replied sweetly and unwrapped his burger. This kid has my heart racing around in my body.

He Stole My Heart |BoyXBoy|Where stories live. Discover now