The After

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Jamal's POV:

I jumped up and felt myself drenched in sweat. "Your fine it's just another dream." Said a voice inSide my head. I thought to myself about my dream, I mean of course it was a dream because half of it didn't make any sense and Lou still doesn't know I like her. Plus why the heck was I staring at Wallace. Feeling discussed I went to the bathroom and to clean myself off.

Knock knock! "Come in," I yelled out. Entering the room was my dad, "Hey bud we are heading out to Wood Crest, wanna come?" Even though I loved going to Wood Crest I just remembered Wallace was suppose to be coming over later. "No, Have to be here incase Wallace comes." I replied. "Suit yourself," he said as he shut the door. I brushed my teeth while I turned the shower on waiting for it get warm enough. I here mom scream up the stairs, "we're now leaving honey."

I felt the water with one hand to see if it was warm enough. I got in and started cleaning myself. As I was putting in conditioner I felt a huge rumble under me and started to brace myself on the soap holder handle. The lights flickered a few times and then everything went black, even the water stopped running. I grabbed my towel and heard tremendous knocking on the front door. That must be Wallace, I said to myself.

Wallace's POV:

Today was very beautiful outside, the sun was shinning and the birds where singing. I was walking to my best friend Jamal's house and I saw his parents and they stopped when they saw me. "You guess better behave!" Said Mrs. Mason. "And I better not here about a party, we'll be back in few hours," Mr. Mason added. I gave a slight laugh, "You can count on me Mr. And Mrs. Mason."

*Beeping the horn as they pulled away*

Just a few blocks away from

my destination I felt a sudden shake. My reflexes kicked which made me kind of crouch a little. The sound of cars crashing and people screaming came from every direction the was. I saw a big cloud of smoke coming from the field near the recreational center and decided to check it out. When I got to the field I saw a ship that I wasn't familiar with at all, almost like it was from another dimension or something.

"So this must've caused the big earth quake like movement," I heard from the crowed behind me. "I think it's a UFO!" I said nervously. It looked like part of the ship had crash into the water tower near where Jamal lived. Moments later a big door slid open but nothing happened. "We should check it out." someone suggested. I wasn't going to be the dumb person to actually do so I stayed right where I was.

Two guess went towards the ship, the almost seem like they weren't nervous but I could see it in the way they took it slow, step by step. Before they could make it the door a little girl couldn't be no older than ten came out of the door. "Hello?" said one of the guys. "I not here to hurt you, are you alright?" The girl didn't answer. He got closer to her and that when she fainted. He caught her before she could hit the ground.

People behind started pushing and shoving so I didn't really have a good view of what happened next. I made my way back to the from of the crowed and I seen the two guys trying to do CPR. It seemed like I wasn't working so the guy the red hat checked to see if she was breathing. As soon as he got closer the girl jumped up and started biting into his face. He screamed and so did the crowed while they started to run after seeing more people coming out the ship with blood all over their mouths. One started sprinting towards me so I ran as fast as I could to Jamal's house.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2014 ⏰

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