Part 1 How it started

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"This year will be perfect, Lily!" Maddie said. It was the first day of school.
"But, What about Trey?" I asked.
"What about him?"She replied back. We were going to our lockers. We passed by Trey. He smelled good as ever. What?
We stared each other down. Oh yeah, Trey is my HUGEE crush. Trey's full name is Trey Walker. He's the most popularest person in school. The downside was that, He's gone out with my ex-bestfriend, Jessica. I. HATE. HER. But, besides all of that, HES SO ADORABLE!!! Anyways, I putted in my code, and got my stuff out of my lockers. Me and Maddie went to class, we were in the same class.
"Good Morning, my little pieces of chocolates!" Our teacher said," My name is Ms. Nicks, and I'll be your home room teacher."
"Good Morning, Ms. Nicks" We said back.
"I will be taking roll call now" She said.
"Maddie Brakes" She called out.
"Here!" Maddie yelled.
"Brooklyn Calivato" She called second.
"Here" She said.
She called some other people, then me.
"Lily Hyung" She called.
"iM HeRe!" I said crazily.
I turned over to Trey, He's in my class by the way, And saw him laugh. His laugh is so adorable, it's like a baby's.

 His laugh is so adorable, it's like a baby's

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Nah just kidding

I tried not to blush, but like

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I tried not to blush, but like.....................I failed.

She called on the rest of the class, including Trey

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She called on the rest of the class, including Trey.
"Next, We'll pick names for our desks!" She said.
Oh yeah, and my first ever best friend, Blake was in my class AGAIN!! ;D
So, I went first. I went up, got a slip of paper, then went back to my desk. And the rest of the class did too. My desk name was Marinette. I saw that Maddie's was Gumball. Trey's I think was Alabama, and Blake's was Girls. I DIED OF LAUGHTER!!!! Then the bell rang. We got out of class. Then I saw Trey do the most unthinkable thing ever! Walked towards, MEEE. He came over and asked something SOOOOO, AHHHHHHHHHHHHH, He asked me out!!!!! Of course I accepted his request!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! We all went to lunch. I, of course, sat next to Trey. I spotted Jessica, she looked TRIGERRED! Ha! By the way, Trey was the one who broke up the relationship between Him and Jess because Jess cheated on him with Blake, and so that's why Trey doesn't like Blake, anymore. Lunch was over, and everyone went back to their homeroom. We were learning about the rules and stuff. A few months had passed, and the semester was about to end. It was the end of the day, me and Trey had plans after school ;). But the day wasn't over at all, Ms. Nicks told us to write in our journal what we were going to do over the break, then all of a sudden, the ground started to shake! It kept speeding up, Second by second! I rushed over to Trey, and hugged him ;). Then, BOOM! There was dust everywhere! I could barely hear it, but I think Ms. Nicks was....Screaming! The dust cleared out, and we saw what we didn't want see...

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