Prank Wars

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Arianna's POV


We are outside the herron's house. And.. I saw reese standing on the 2nd floor window.

"Arianna!!" Reese shouted

I smiled, and waved back

Myta opened the front door.

"Lets go inside" she welcomes

"mom.. Can i go to my bestfriends later??" Zach asked

"Yeah, sure. Arianna is coming?"  she asked

"If she want too" Zach said

"Sure, ill come" i smiled

"Arianna!!" Reese said hugging me

"Awww.. My little princess. How are you?" i coo. I stood there, and saw lily (the pup) staring at me jealous

"Aww.. Lil' dont be jeally!! You two are my princesses!!" i said

Reese laughed, while lily barked happily

Zach's phone buzzed. He picked it, and opened it

"Oh, mom. Ill be going in 30 min.. Ill fix our stuff in my room" Zach said

"Zachy Poo. Take your time.. Take arianna around the house" Myta smiled

"Fine" Zach sighed

"Arianna!! Ill tour you around!!" Zoe said getting down the stairs

"Sure, but no. Ill tour her" Zach said

"Zach, its fine.. Go to your friends.. Ill follow behind later.. Zoe will tour me" i said

"Yes!!" zoe whisper-yelled.

"Sure, fine.. Arianna, ill go fix our things. And ill g-" I cutted him off

"No, zach. Ill fix our things. Dont worry. Go enjoy your day.. And.. Ill stay home" i said

"Fine.. Ill be going now, bye babe" He said pecking my lips before leaving

"So... We'll talk about the prank, first?? Or.. Tour?" Zoe asked

"Shush!! I suggest... House tour first" i said

"Fine.. Lets go!" she said

We had a house tour.. And we ended up at zoe's room..

"So... Tell me about zach's ex's here in dallas" i said

"Her name.. Is.. Zoe. She also has a instagram named.. @zoe.christina and.. Him and zach had a VERY good connection" Zoe explained


"Another?" i said

"Umm.. Okay.. For total. Zach has 2 gf here in dallas. Umm.. The other one is.. Chole. She is a gymnast.. And.. She is nice. She is not that pretty, and not that ugly. Just right. She really hates me, and loves reese, and ryan. She is always with zach, ughh!!" Zoe said

"Not that.. Bad.. Lets get the prank now" i said

She nod Naughtily

"Umm.. How.. About.. Pregnancy?" Zoe suggested

"Nope.. I already done that" i said

"Breaking up prank?" She suggested

"Nah... He always backfires me" i said

"Umm.. How about.. Lets make a baby tonight prank?" Zoe suggested

"Nope.. Too age restricted"

"Um... Im drunk prank" She suggested. When those words fell out of her mouth. My face was lit up

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