Chapter 1: Karmen Outta Nowhere

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Prentiss was walking down along the path she usually took, at her more casual pace towards the Bunker. She was meeting Proctore there to do some research, she had just wanted to pick something else up first. Karmen was back at the Shack doing research there, and Prentiss was pretty sure that everyone else like Rubyn and Lucifer were at school. It must be so boring to be them, but then again, she thought, it might not hurt to try. Karmen always made school sound like the worst thing to happen to this dimension though. Prentiss shrugged as she thought, satisfied with the things she learnt from Karmen.

Suddenly, a portal opened not far behind Prentiss and there was a shout.

"Prentiss!!" It was Karmen, and she sounded distressed. Prentiss turned immediately, having been surprised by the suddenness of the event.

"Karmen is everything ok, I thought you were back at the Shack!" Prentiss said, and they both moved towards each other, meeting in the middle. The portal Karmen created closed as she left it.

"I was at the Shack, and then I went out on an errand, but now I need your help...!" Karmen said quickly, still sounding distressed. This was odd for Karmen so it worried Prentiss somewhat.

"What's wrong, how can I help?"

"It's probably best if I-... If I just show you...." Karmen said quietly, and that's when Prentiss had realised Karmen had been crying. She placed a hand on Karmen's shoulder.

"It's ok, I'm here to help, and I trust you." Prentiss said reassuringly, before leaving through Karmen's new portal.

"You have no idea how much that means to me Prentiss..." Karmen said before following her through the portal.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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