Chapter 10: Flashback

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Yoongi's POV:
I finally got to an empty classroom and did the same lunch routine that I've been doing for the past few weeks now. As I was eating I suddenly heard someone speak as they entered the classroom.

"So this is where you've been for the past three weeks," I heard Hoseok say. I jumped a little bit out of my seat and quickly looked at him. I instantly started to blush.

"Hey," he said to me while giving me that gorgeous  smile of his as he sat down in front of me.

"Hi," I said before I quickly looked down.

"Why have you been avoiding us lately? Did something happen?" He immediately asked me.

"It's nothing," I said.

"You sure? You don't just avoid your friends like that," he said. I just nodded my head yes at him.

"Okay, because Jin's been saying something about how it's his fault and whatnot," he said.

"It's not his fault. I was a little upset at first, but now I realized it opened my eyes to the reality of things and now I thank him for that," l let him know.

"What are you even talking about? What did you guys argue about?" He asked.

"It's nothing, just let him know I'm not mad at him anymore," I said.

"Okay, whatever you say," he said with a small chuckle. I just gave him a side smile.

"So how long are you going to keep avoiding us for?" He asked.

"Well since I was mainly trying to avoid you and now here you are, probably not much longer," I said before realizing what I actually said.

"What?" He asked with a confused face.
"You've been trying to avoid me the whole time?" He asked with a pained expression on his face. I knew right then that I fucked up big time. The hurt I could see in his eyes made me want to disappear off the face of this earth.

"No! That's not what I meant. Shit, I knew Jin was wrong! I knew I wasn't good enough for you," I said more out loud than I wanted to.

"What? You're not good enough for me?" Hoseok asked with concern in his voice.

"Yes, that's what Jin and I were arguing about. I'm not good enough for you. This just proves that. The look on your face and in your eyes when I accidentally said I was avoiding you. You should never get that look on your face by a loved one. But, that's just who I am. I'm an awful human being and that's all I'll ever keep doing to you. You don't need someone like me in your life, so that's why I'm avoiding you. I'm not worth it. You deserve better than this," I said while pointing to myself.

"You're just so beautiful and perfect and I'm not. You're so positive and caring and I'm not. I hate how much I like you when I know I have no chance," I said sadly. He only looked at me dumbfounded by what I just said. I didn't even mean to say anything at all. I quickly grabbed my stuff and started to leave the classroom.

"Yoongi," I heard Hoseok say as he grabbed my wrist. I slowly turned around to look at him and pulled my arm away from his grasp.

"I'm sorry," I whispered out before I started to leave again. Then suddenly I felt a huge weight on my back that made me stop in my tracks again.

It was Hoseok back-hugging me. I couldn't help it, I started to cry. This is what it feels like to be in the arms of Hoseok and I will never be able to experience it again. Whoever his future lover will be, is extremely lucky. Not just because the hugs, but everything.

"Yoongi, please let me talk," he said in a comforting voice. I just stayed quiet in his arms without giving a reply.

"You know, you're really harsh on yourself. I hate it," he said. I still didn't say anything to let him explain.

"You're not as cold-hearted and mean as you think you are. I know because you just let me into your thoughts a second ago and those aren't the thoughts of a jerk. Yeah, you're a little intimidating and stand-off-ish, but that doesn't make me not want to be around you. You're "negativity" you always bring up, is wrong. Yeah, you aren't the brightest person in this world, but so aren't a lot of people. I may seem like it, but I'm a normal human being too with other feelings besides happiness. I think you're beautiful Yoongi, inside and out, but for some reason you can't see that. I don't want you to avoid me. If anything, I want your attention," he said before stopping.

"What? I'm beautiful? You want my attention?" I asked really confused. He let go of me from the hug and stepped in front of my line of vision. He looked at me with a smile and nodded his head. I started to blush and looked down at the floor.

"But I don't want to hurt you again," I said sadly.

"Yoongi, look at me," he said while grabbing my chin to make me look at him. "Yes I was a little hurt that you said that you were trying to avoid me, but that's because I don't want you to avoid me and to hear that you were, it hurt me inside," he said with a sad smile.

"Okay, I promise I won't avoid you anymore. Just, please stop looking at me like that. It makes me feel bad, especially when I'm the reason behind it. It makes me want to make it go away, but you won't like that if I do," I told him.

"Make it go away then," he said dangerously close to my ear before backing off. I just looked at him for a second to see if he was playing with me or to see if he really wanted it. He just only stared back at me and nodded his head at me. I just said fuck it and went with it.

I stepped closer to him so our faces were much closer together now. I started to lean in slowly while looking at his eyes to make sure it was okay. He just closed his eyes and leaned in as well. Then I wasn't hesitant anymore, so I closed my eyes and sealed the kiss. It wasn't a long or sloppy one, but short and simple. After we disconnected I immediately pulled him into a hug by his waist.

"God, why are you so perfect?" I whispered into Hoseok's ear. He just clung onto me even more. After a little bit I kissed his forehead and pulled away from him. He had this smile on his face now, which made me smile.

"Please go on a date with me?" I suddenly asked and feeling the nerves after I asked it.

"I would love to," he said. I just smiled even more, grabbed his hand and kissed it.

After, the bell rang and lunch was over. We grabbed our stuff and I walked him to his next class.

"I'll message you about the date tonight. Bye sunshine and I'll see you later. Have a good rest of your day," I said before I let him enter his classroom. He just nodded at me and waved goodbye. Finally I left his classroom to get to mine.

-Time Skip-

Y: Hey sunshine! I hope you had a good rest of your day. I just wanted to let you know about the date. How about this Saturday I take you to a movie and then we can go eat out afterwards?

H: Hey! My day was great, thank you. That sounds perfect! I'll be looking forward to it.

Y: Awesome, I'll come pick you up at 5:30pm since the movie starts at 6:00pm.

H: Okay, I'll be ready.

Y: Okay, well goodnight beautiful. I'll see you tomorrow. Get some rest now.

H: Okay, goodnight handsome. You get some rest yourself. See you tomorrow.

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