2. I'm tired, so shut up

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The day had been long and boring for Logan. His closest friend was nowhere in to be seen that day for obvious reasons. She had gotten really sick that morning so while she stayed in bed, he went to school, to get all the work for her. She was not one to mess with her schooling, of course, she toyed with the guys to do her bidding but she never had anyone do any work for her. 

I did want to stay with her and take care of her today but her schooling to her was important so I collected the work for her to do tonight.

As soon as I walked through the door, she was there, giving me a hug, meaning she wasn't entirely better, but enough to for her to be moving around the house. She pulled back with a smile. "I am so glad you're home, I was starting to get bored talking to the cat." She said excitedly. I sighed. She was way too hyper for me at the moment. Taking all of the notes and actually doing the work had been exhausting for me. I wasn't use to it and again the only reason I did it was so I could help Blair. 

I sat at the dining table with her setting a plate down in front of me. "I actually started arguing with the cat I was so bored. Scary thing I think he was yelling right back at me." She glanced down at the orange and white cat sitting at her feet and smiled. Reaching down and picked up the cat, setting it on her lap. It waited patiently for her to share her food.

It was cute which had me smiling the whole time even as she kept talking. Now normal Blair kept to a moderate amount of talking, but if you leave her in a house completely alone, she comes a complete chatterbox. She even talked as I tried to show her how to do the work for today in each of the classes. 

She talked even as we did the rest of the work.

Eventually, the cat, when he stopped getting food and was getting annoyed with Blair's constant talking, left. At that moment I was a little envious of the cat. So when Blair finished her homework, we moved to the couch where I attempted to watch a movie but throughout the whole thing, I would doze off, and Blair's voice would wake me back up. I sat up turning to her.

She eyed me. "Whats wrong? Not liking the movie, you can change it if you want. I've bee wa-"

"Deary," I said soothingly, crawling up to her to where she was completely on her back and I was on top, a smile on my face. I leaned down quickly as she opened her mouth kissing her deeply. With that, I kissed her for a good couple of minutes stopping every once in a while to get air then go back in. When I finally pulled back, she was red in the face, and thoroughly beat. "I'm tired, Deary, I'm going to sleep."

I just laid on top of her, listening to her beating heart and feeling the rising and fall of her chest. Before I knew it, I was consumed by the dream world with wonderful dreams.

Haha!!! You know I kinda used myself for this. I'm so like Blair. Well except I don't really like talking. I only talk when its necessary. But anyway I hope you enjoyed! 😗😜😗😜

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