
That was all I could say,  as just then a very strange hissing noise started to sound in my ears and my body began to tingle all over.

In the far off distance, I could hear the scraping of chair legs across the floor and a voice beside me saying that I needed some air. Then a pair of warm, strong arms caught hold of me just as my legs turned to jelly and  before the black and white tiled floor came racing up to meet me.

I then collapsed into these arms allowing myself to be supported for a moment by them as they gently wrapped themselves around me.
Feeling safe and pleasantly secure,  I immediately began to feel less woozy as I breathed in the heady aroma of my captives scent.

"I'll be alright.........really........I'm ok".    I could hear myself saying as the hissing in my ears began to fade somewhat as I  felt less and less dizzy.

The arms however, were still holding me tightly , as I heard an unfamiliar female voice ask:

"Is she alright?".  

A large, gentle hand was now sweeping itself over my forehead.

"Yes, I believe so".  A low, deep voice answered.

I could feel the vibration of the voice against my cheek as I then realised that I was actually being held up by none other than Alan Rickman himself.
I stilled as I  also began to realise that I had got my head buried against his chest.

"Are you ok now?".   He then asked me quietly.

I took a deep breath and pulled away from him slightly, although he continued to hold onto me.
I nodded my head but felt unable to look up at him.

Just how stupid did I now feel!!!

"Sorry about that".   I gulped, pulling away from him a little bit more,  "I........I.......don't know what came over me".  

"Better sit back down".   His low, deep but very quiet voice spoke, as he very reluctantly, it seemed, extracted me from the safety of his arms and back onto the chair again.

I glanced quickly around to see that one or two people were looking at me.
I now felt really embarrassed.
Then I noticed  the waitress, who had served us was standing nearby, but she quickly moved away when it became apparent that I was now ok.

I took in a deep breath and exhaled it just as quickly.

" Sorry".   I said, just as a glass of water was placed onto the table in front of me.

I stared at it, too embarrassed to look up to see who had placed it there.
But I did hear the deep baritone saying:

"Thank you". 

I took hold of the tall glass with its ice cubes bobbing around on the surface of the water and still without looking up, I took a very long sip.
It felt so cool against my burning form but as I replaced it back onto the table again I noticed that the ice cubes were bobbing about most erratically as my hands now began to shake.
I gulped at my reaction and quickly clasped my hands together and hid them from sight beneath the table.
But Alan had already seen and gave me a questioning gaze as I looked up at him.

"Are you quite sure you're alright?".   He asked, concern was evident  from his deep sounding voice.

I tried to smile at him, as I was now desperate to distract the focus away from the fact that I'd just fainted  and back to the real reason that we were here in the first place.

"Quite sure".  I nodded. "I think perhaps I was a little overwhelmed by what you had just said".  

And I gave a little laugh in an attempt to hide my total embarrassment at the whole fainting episode.

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