I smiled to myself, thinking that this would be highly unlikely.
Then again, so was this entire situation.
I mean, who would have thought that I would be sat in a little tearoom in the middle of London, sharing a cup of tea and a Danish Pastry with a very well known British actor!

Having now finished my pastry  I, this time  did use the napkin to wipe my hands on and my lips also!
I then looked up at him, meeting those eyes of his again.
He was still staring at me and I suddenly found myself trying to ignore the faint blush that was now creeping its way onto my cheeks once more.

"Well".   I began, as I took a deep breath.  "To be honest with you, I think Christina is confused".  

Alan gave me a slight smile and then frowned.

"Why confused?".   He asked quietly.

"I don't know really".   I frowned,   "But she's not happy with the situation. I mean she wants to be, I can see that, and she loves this guy................"

"Glad to hear it".    Grinned Alan from across the table.   "Please.......go on". 

"It's just that, well it seems there are obstacles, you know in the way. I don't know quite what, having not read through it all but, yeah, she's definitely finding the whole situation confusing".     I said, with mock authority.

Alan was now staring at me, fingers on his lips and eyes so  penetrating, it was as if he had been hanging onto every word I had spoken.
I felt quite unnerved by this and so shuffled around in my chair.

Alan then cleared his throat and leaned across the table towards me, clasping his hands together as he did so.

I was now drawn to those big hands of his and stared at them intently, not daring to look up until he spoke.

"So then".   He said, his voice so deep and dripped in velvet baritone,   "What do think?  Would you like to play the part of Christina in the film?". 

My eyes widened suddenly and my throat went strangely dry, as my stomach churned so wildly I thought I was about to be sick.

"Wha................What.........?".    I squeeked, trying to control the adrenalin that was forcibly careering around my body at a million miles an hour.

Alan titled his head to one side and smiled kindly at me as if he was actually waiting for the rest of my body to catch up with my ears.

I took in a breath:

"I........I.......don't know.........I mean......a film.... an actual film? ".   
I shook my head, trying to process all of this.

He hadn't wanted my opinion on the storyline at all!!!!

He wanted to know if I could actually act out her part in an actual film!

Yet again I  had got it all so wrong.

"I don't really think I'm up to it.........if I'm honest,  not a film".    I stuttered. 

The chair creaked as the large frame of Alan Rickman leant back into it.

"And why not".   He frowned, now staring at me harder than ever.

My hands were now twisting together on my lap beneath the table.
Oh God, I felt so nauseous.

" I........I........don't know really".    I said, nervously biting on my bottom lip. 

"Would you like to go away and think about it".   Alan suggested, ever so calmly.

I looked up, right into those green coloured eyes of his and very suddenly realised that a well known Movie Star had just offered me a film part.

My head began to spin.

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