Heart Break

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You wake up realizing you had fallen asleep in your clothes. You do your usual morning routine and go to school. You walk in and see a poster for the winter school dance. You hated them. But that was because you were gay and could never find anyone to go with and you doubted Loki would go with you.

You walk to your locker and grab your books surprised that Loki hadn't turned up to greet you yet. You go the whole day without seeing him so at lunch you text him.

you: hey reindeer games! where are you?
Loki: finally you've taken an interest, skip last class and meet me at the park by mine. I need your help
you: ok see you then

You leave the school and make your way to the park by Loki's house and see him sitting on the swing. You enter the park and he sees you.
"(Y/N)!" he says
"Reindeer games! where the hell have you been?!" you shout.
"I cannot return to school ever," he said
"why? what happened?" you sat next to Loki on the swing next to him.
"well i........I have a crush on Hannah Jenson......and yesterday i....I embarrassed myself in front of her and now I fear I can never go back. (Y/N) help me please" your heart stops and you now just want to curl up into a ball and die. Loki has a crush on someone and....it wasn't you.
"oh.....uh w-well I don't know much about girls b-but with your good looks I'm sure you'll be able to-to get her so I um....I don't think I need to help"
"But how do I go back to school after the embarrassment that happened to me" you sigh.
"You just have to turn up, don't worry they'll soon forget about it" you put your hand on his back as he sat there. After hanging out for a while you had to go home so you left Loki at his and walked home.

When you got home you just went to your room put your earphones in and silently cried to the fact Loki could never love you.

You decided to go to bed early but you didn't go to bed until midnight.
You just couldn't stop thinking about Loki it was heartbreaking.

The next day you went to school and hoped not to see Loki you didn't want to start crying in the middle of school, god you were weak what kind of man were you.
You looked down the hallway to see Loki talking to Hannah. He was probably asking her to the dance, you wouldn't be surprised if he was.
The day was long as always and you got so sad whenever you saw Loki so you decide to skip the rest of the school day and just go home. You were stopped while walking down the hall by Thor.
"Not now Thor" you continue walking having had a crap day.
"But (Y/N) my brother isn't what he seems"
"What do you mean?" you asked.
"Come to the winter dance tonight please?" Thor asked.
"Who with? I'll just be sitting on my own watching Loki and Hannah...." you say with slight tears in your eyes.
"Will you just come?" Thor asked again. You don't answer.
"(Y/N) please, it will be worth it" you sigh and roll your eyes.
"Alright, but if it doesn't go well don't blame me. It's on you" you say and then walk home.

When you get home you take out all your smart clothing. You pick out a black shirt, a black waistcoat, and black jeans. then for accessories, you pick out a red bow-tie and a red fez.
You put the outfit on and roll the sleeves of the black shirt up. You want to look as good as possible so that you can impress Loki even though he probably won't care. You put on your black watch, a white wristband with red writing saying (insert fave band here) on it and several other wristbands that you thought looked cool.
"Right....I look fairly ok" you smile and look at yourself in the mirror. You then take it all off and have a shower which you were in no hurry to get out of so you were in there for an hour listening to your music.
After you get out and get changed you hear a knock on your window. You look over and see Thor in a suit. You open the window and he clambers into your room.
"Hello," you say
"Hi you ready?" he says.
"Yup lets go" you both clamber out your window and go to the dance. Thor gets into a car and you get in the back because Jane his date was already sitting in the front.
"Hey (Y/N)" she says.
"Hey, Jane" you put your seatbelt on and feel nervous about the fact Thor was driving.
"Who are you going with?" you suddenly feel very lonely all of a sudden.
"Oh um...I'm not actually going with anyone I'm just gonna socialize and hope for the best which I'm sure won't go well but hey y'know....whatever," you said.
"Oh I would have thought you would have gone with Loki" you're saddened by her saying that but smile anyway.
"Yeah well, he's asked a girl so....." suddenly the car starts moving way past the speed limit.
"woo-hoo" you hear Thor shout and you hear Jane giggling.

After the very queezy ride, you arrive at the school and you enter. You then pay for your ticket and walk in immediately seeing Loki and Hannah.
this was gonna be a great night.

A/N: how could you do this Loki?!?! How?!?! It's heartbreaking when your a guy and you have a crush on another guy and then oh look He likes girls but don't loose hope people everything will be okay! Anyway hope you enjoyed and keep reading on!

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