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The car ride was silent and we were now seated at the front of an old mansion. It was grand and large veins grow from every direction. There were lion gargoyles seated protectively at the foot of it.

"You sure this is it" I  asked Adam staring at him
"I'm sure. This is it" I nodded and smiled thankfully
"You want me to come out with you or?"
"I want to do this by myself I'll call if I need a ride"
"Aye, aye captain" he saluted me I chuckled at his goffyness stepping out of the car and  onto the moss infested damp ground.

I closed Adams car door and waited for him to revers out of the abandoned drive way before I carried on my descent.
My boots squished and squashed as I walked through what seemed like a muddy meadow. It was dark to say the least barely light enough to see my own hand so, I pulled out my phone and turned on the flash light. I used it to guid my to the front door that was oddly more intimidating then the house.

On the door was a golden lion knocker that looked to be staring right at me. I knocked once. the ear piercing soul thudding sound rang out throughout the meadow startling some birds in its wake. This was just like a scene in a horror movie where the stupid teenage girl is practically asking to be killed by some crazy axe murderer.
I was just about to turn back when the door swung open a short well dressed man stood  in front of me. His face was pale and ghastly it was wight as snow,pale as the moon.

"How may I help you miss" his thickly accented Gentlemanly voice inquired. He was somewhat of a cliché
"Well I...I was hoping to find some people but I guess their not here"
I was just turning to go back when his slender hand stopped me. It was pasty and cold, his hand was bony and thin.
"I'm sure  I can help miss. Who are these people that you are looking for. Come out of the cold dear you must be freezing" I smiled at his kindness for I was indeed freezing .I stepped into the house which was  much warmer then I thought it would be .he took me to the parlour where I took a seat on a red leather couch. He took a seat next me giving me a toothy smile
"Now miss, who is it you were looking for?"
"I doubt you know them but their address is registered to this house. A mister Micheal Pierce  and Mathew Parish"
"Oh yes-" he said motioning for me to stand up " they are the masters of this house. Master Micheal is upstairs in his study, come with me" I nodded following behind him.

We walked up long slender stairs that squeaked and creaked whenever you stood on them. But we finally made it to a large wood door. It had roses and Lillies carved into it. The small man knocked on it twice
"Come in"  a muffled voice came from inside but I already knew who it was. The small man proceeded to open the door and enter the room beckoning me to follow.

The room was lit by a roaring fire and the bed was lined with crisp wight sheets.
"Master Micheal, miss-" he looked at me as if asking for my name
"Anastasia ," I said sheepishly "Anastasia Walton" Micheal's back was facing us but his defined back muscles seemed to stiffen and tense the moment I spoke.
"Yes, miss Anastasia Walton would like to speak with you" Micheal cleared his thoat before setting down a glass of unfinished whiskey. I stood uneasily fiddling with the tassels on my coat

"Leave us Spaulding" Micheal said not yet turning towards us
"Yes sir will you be needing any-"
"I said leave us Spaulding. Now"
"Yes sir" the small man who I presumed was Spaulding backed away. not before sending me a quick look of concern to which I returned with a smile. He left us and at that moment I wish I hadn't come here in the first place.

"I'm sorry for intruding like this I just had to know who-" his hand  raised in the air as if to shush me. My mouth shut as I awaited his next move. He turned around swiftly. Now that he was facing me I could focus on his features. His eyes were piercing, pure grey , grey as graphite from the pencils we draw with.

An annoyed look was plastered on his heavenly sculpted face. His jaw was tight and clenched his nose slightly flared. His perfect plump lips pursed. My eyes wondered down his body his oh so perfect body. He was shirtless so I could marvel at his tanned skin. His abdominal muscles where tight and refined and further down was a crisp v line leading to what I assume to be a sight for sore eyes.

"Sit" he said simply I nodded and sat down on the brown couch that was near the fire. I looked down at my muddy boots fiddling with my thumbs. I heard him walk over to me but I hadn't the courage to look up. His feet were in front of me now  still I didn't dear look up at those grey eyes again.

"Look at me" I inwardly shook my head no, but didn't dear make any movement
"Look. At. Me" he said again pronouncing every syllable. I looked up my mahogany brown eyes meeting his. He searched my face for a moment before taking his rough hand, a hand that I remember cradling my breasts as if the were new born twins, and placing it on my chin

"Why are you here Anastasia?"
"I just... I wanted to know who you were. What you looked like"
He sighed looking up to the sealing as if cursing god for putting me on this earth

"And now you know. Do you feel any different?" I had lost the will to speak his glare was too intense his voice to rough
"Can you not speak?" He asked his eyes questioning and harsh. I shook my head, yes " then speak"

"Well I- I don't feel any Different but I needed to know. I have so many questions. I just. I had to know you were  real. That what you made me feel was real"
His eyes seemed to soften his touch was less painful
"I am real. We are real. As real as the sun burning   down on your skin as real as the rain pouring down on your window on a stormy day."

My breath hitched his presence made me feel things I hadn't felt since that night
"You are aroused?" He asked more to himself then to me
"No. I'm not"
"Do not lie to me Anastasia. I can smell it on you. You heart rate has increased since you stepped into this room"

" how do you know that?"
He paused and flashed me a menacing grin
"I can hear it."  He said simply. My blood ran cold. "Have i scared you little lamb" he lowered himself down so he were level To my face. His head turned so I could feel his breath at the crook of my neck. His cold breath fanned my neck almost leaving icicles .

"I can smell the desire on you little lamb. It's so pure, so pungent. I wonder if you taste as sweet as I remember " 
"Taste?" My frail voice speaks above his. He chuckles and shakes his black hair covered head
"We made a deal."
"You and Mathew?"
"Yes. We made a deal that neither of us would Pursue you, we would wait until you came to us willingly and-" he licked a fat line from my collar bone to my ear"here you are ready for me to Taste  again."

He kissed me softly at first then his kisses turned into hungry nibbles roughly sucking at my skin. Then the nibbles turned into bites and bites tuned to his teeth slashing my delicate skin and sucking the blood from my vain.
"Stop I.......you can't just-please stop" I could feel his grin across my neck.
The pain I felt in that moment was worse then any I had ever felt. It burnt as if he were spreading venom into my vain every one of my limbs ached and my head spun. My mouth went dry, my tongue becoming flaccid. It was becoming hard to breath and my hands were losing their fro on his neck

"STOP" a voice from the door starteled both of us. Micheal removed his teeth from my neck a thick trail of blood leaving his mouth my hand hurriedly connected with my neck trying to stop the blood from gushing out everywhere.
"Mathew,so good of you to join us" Micheal said sarcastically wiping his mouth with the back of his hand
"Micheal what have you done. She's bleeding out you fool" their voices became incoherent my gaze shifted to the fire as my eyes focused on the flames

Close your eyes for a little while Anna. A voice from inside called
"Just a little" while I mumbled to myself resting my eyes on the brown cushion. Looking back on it I wish I had never opened my eyes again.

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