Him and I

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This is a chapter in Jesus's POV.
And I don't really know how this story gonna play out so I'm in the same boat as you guys. This may be my favorite chapter so far 👍


I stood at the bar looking down in my glass.I waited for Diamond while the music shook my whole body and made my heart thud faster. The heat in the room came from the sweaty bodies all on the dance floor. I mean sometimes a club was my thing but I was more of a bar type guy.

I looked down at my watch and seen it was 11:30. She was supposed to be here an hour ago. I flagged down the waiter and paid for all my drinks. I checked my phone and seen no messages making sure that she didn't text she wasn't gonna make it. Right when I was about to walk off to the exit I felt a tap on my shoulder. It sent sparks through me and I looked over my shoulder. Diamond stood there in a blue dress that had my eyes bulging. She was the only person who could make me feel something everytime she touched me. I had previous girlfriend but she was different.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting she blushed. It was a habit of hers that I enjoyed seeing. I was good looking but I wasn't the model looking guy that I thought she would go for. "It's fine. The words almost got stuck in my throat which made me question my masculinity around her.

I ordered a drink for her considering she wasn't old enough to drink. She was only 19. So to say it left me shocked to hear her say wiskey to me when I have a hard time getting that down.

"Do you want to dance? "Yea. She took my hand and led me to the dance floor. The music turned her into something I had never seen before she had automatically took the lead. Her back faced my front and her hips move rythmic to the song. I kept my hands on her waist as the flashing lights would hit my face and then disappear again. It was something about the way she controlled my movements and held me in place. It was like some sort of spell.

She suddenly turned around when the song went off and a slower song played. (The song up top)

She wrapped her hands around my neck and we swayed together. "I like how you danced. " I could tell" she laughed and it was something angelic to me. But she must've felt my hard on that I was trying to hide. Now I couldn't stop myself from blushing. I wasn't the type of guy to really respond to jokes or flirting sometimes but that was something she also changed.

She stopped laughing and looking at me with her stunning eyes. I couldn't stop myself from bending down and kissing her. It was like fireworks throughout my body and I didn't want to seperate from her. I didn't want to come up for air even though it was essential. She opened her lips and I explored her mouth she tasted like strawberries and vanilla. Our tongues intertwined together and only after she pulled back and gasped I stopped kissing her.

Her cheeks were burned red and she squeezed me tight. She held onto me tight and never let me go. Only when the club was about to close she seperated herself from me. Feeling her arms drop away from me left a uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

We stood at the exit of the club trying to figure out how we were gonna get home. "It's raining pretty bad how are you gonna get to your car?  "I took a taxi. "I didn't feel like driving. I didn't want her in a taxi this time of night. "I'm gonna go run and go get my car ok?  "Well go to a hotel for the night. "Ok. She nodded her head and agreed. I ran out and across the street the parking lot. The rain was pourinfg down on me ruining my hair and clothes as I tried to get to my car as soon as possible. Since I suck at remembering things I looked for about 5 minutes and when I found it I unlocked it and then got in. I wiped the water out of my eyes and cranked the car up.

I drove to the entrance and got in the car as fast as she could. "Sorry for taking so long. "Its fine. She smiled in my direction and took off her heals. I drove us to a hotel nearby and got us a room. I filled out the papers in a soaking wet mess as the hotel staff looked at us horrified by the wet trail we made coming in.

I grabbed Diamonds hand and we walked to the elevator. It dinged and we walked in. It closed behind us and I ran a hand through my hair. "Sorry about tonight"I said in her direction. "It's fine you didn't mess up at all"she smiled and put her hands on my face. She made me smile along with her. When the elevator doors opened again we walked to our room. I put the card in the slot and the green light flashed.I opened the door and the cold air smacked me in the face making a shiver run through me.

"I'm gonna go take a shower ok?  Ok. I'll wait till you get out. I walked in the direction of the bathroom and she sat down in the spinning chair next to the TV.

I turned the shower on and grabbed a towel and rag. I stripped down and got in. The water ran down my body and I stood under it for a while before starting to wash. My hand brushed passed my c*ck and I hissed. I almost forgot about it. I thought it would go away but that wasn't the case. I couldn't stop myself from wrapping my hand around it and pleasuring myself. I tried to keep my grunts and moans down but it was a hard task. After I finished it I was still hard and frustrated.

I turned the water off and stepped out. I dried off and slid on my boxers. I didn't have a change of clothes so i just did what I had too. I hung the towel up and stepped out the fog escaping the bathroom. "You took forever. I scratched my head and laughed. She looked away when she noticed my choice of clothes and blushed again. She dashed past me and closed the bathroom door probably from nervousness.


I was flipping through channels when the bathroom door opened again. Diamond wore a robe that immediately peaked my interest. "Stop staring. "It's rude. To say I was hurt would be downplaying the situation. "Wooow. "So that's how it is? "Yep. She nodded. She placed her clothes on the table. Her panties and everything she wore tonight was sitting on that table.. So technically she was naked under the robe. My inner ego was rubbing his hands together furiously.

She slid in beside me and started to get comfortable. "So what are we gonna watch?  "I don't know. I puffed out. Everything on was boring and nothing really interesting. She reached over and tried to turn on her phone but it was dead. She sighed in frustration and flopped back on the pillow.

"We can talk if ya want? "She sat up slowly and leaned her head on her hand. "We can ask questions about eachother. "Sure. "Favorite color?  "Yellow"She voiced. "What about you?  I pondered over the question and finally answered with blue. "Sex position? She looked away from me and started to think. "Cowgirl she said proudly.  I never took her for the top type of girl.

After playing for a good hour we were both kinda tired. It read 3am on the clock on the nightstand. I rubbed my face and turned back to her. Clearly she was fighting her sleep for me because she was snoring. I pulled the cover over us and I couldn't stop the smile on my face as I kissed her forhead. I pulled her body to me and turned of the lamp and fell into a deep sleep.

An: You know that girl from the cast?  That played as Diamond?  Yea shes Diamond again. I'm bipolar but who cares? I like her better than this new girl I put in the chapter.

Things are about to get steamy in the next chapter between Diamond and jesus. See ya next chapter.

And this is jesus's car btw.

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