"Ghost" in the Mirror

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Smashed, that's what I was. I had never been so smashed in my entire life and I wasn't regretting it...yet. I needed to go out, work had been so hard lately that this was just the release that I needed.

"(Y/N), do you need a glass of water?" Devin asked me over the loud dancing music.

"No, I'm fine!" I giggled, dancing to the music, or should I say 'thrashing' to the music. "Actually..." I stopped, feeling my stomach churn in circles. "I think I need the bathroom!" As I said those final words I sprinted through the crowd as best as I could without spewing over them.

I made it to the first open stall, luckily it wasn't a broken toilet if you know what I mean. I spewed the contents of my dinner all over the bowl and lifted my head up.

My stomach felt better but my head did not. My vision was spinning and darkening. Maybe I did need a glass of water. But it was too late. Crash, bang on the side of the stall and I was out...

I woke up in the daylight. I wondered how I got home but I assumed Devin helped me out. I felt no hangover either. That's incredibly lucky for how shit the night got at the end...barf, bang, black.

I stretched out, my back cracked in a few places but it felt amazing. I let out a little moan and my voice sounded...hoarse. It had to have been from the vomit a few hours ago.

Devin must have left for work a few hours ago because his side of the bed was cold and empty.

It took me a few minutes to actually roll out of bed. I scuttled into the shower and stood lazily under the water for a solid ten minutes. I picked up the shampoo and slapped it on my head. I couldn't continue. My hair didn't feel like my hair. It felt like I had dreads...Devin's dreads.

I quickly washed the soap out and ran out of the shower, nearly slipping on the wet tiles. I wiped the mirror of fog and stared into a reflection that was not my own. I wanted to scream...what was happening to me?!

"Devin!" I called out with his voice. I wanted to make sure he was at work and not simply...me... "Devin are you home?"

"What?!" Another voice called out, a familiar voice. My voice. "Oh god." It said.

I ran toward its location. There I found...myself, looking panicked into a kitchen pot.

"What...the...fuck...is...happening?" Devin said with my voice. "Are we tripping out?"

"I don't think so." I answered. "I don't feel like I am physically."

"Well, what the fuck are we going to do?!" He shook his head crazily. "This isn't normal! This doesn't happen!"

"Did we run into some witch doctor while we were drunk last night or something?" I tried to remember last night.

"Well...I guess for now we'll have to live with it. We should get ready for the day and figure out who we should talk to about this." Devin sighed.

With that the two of us went up to our room and got ready as we normally did and it was difficult getting used to our new bodies.

We met in the kitchen again when we were done getting ready. Devin did exactly what I assumed he would do with my body.

"Oh. My." I giggled when I saw my body with Devin's look.

"What?" Devin asked me as if he looked completely normal.

"I have never done my makeup or hair like that before." I continued to chuckle. "I look kinda like a clown, to be honest. Only you can pull of you."

"Well I don't doubt that." He rolled his eyes. "But look at you. I look like a potato with no makeup. And my hair? You pulled it back?"

"As best I could. I'm not used to dreads." I shrugged. "I just wanted it out of my face!"

"Anyways!" Devin shouted to change the subject. "Who should we talk to about this...issue?"

"Well, I would assume we can't go straight to a psychologist or neurologist. They'd lock us up in the looney bin." I told him. "We'd have to find other means."

"How do we do that?" He asked me.

"I guess the dark web." I assumed. "I'm sure witch doctors or other creepy people like that wouldn't just put an ad in the newspaper."


It took a couple of tries but we managed to find our way on the dark web. It was a web alright, a scary, confusing web of illegal things. We settled on someone who wasn't a witch doctor but someone similar.

"What can I do for you two today?" The doctor asked us.

"Well, we aren't ourselves. We're each other." We explained together. "We have no idea how it happened."

"Well, what preceded the event?" The doctor started writing things down on a notepad.

"I got really, really drunk." I nodded. "I hit my head on the side of the stall after puking in the public bathroom and woke up in our bed."

"What are you talking about? That didn't happen?" Devin shook his head. "You felt nauseous after eating too much popcorn and went to bed early last night. I slept on the couch so you wouldn't be disturbed."

"What?" I asked. Now I was really confused. "Whatever. Can you help us?" The doctor gave us a blank look. I felt like an idiot.

"This happens all the time." He chuckled. "You've crossed dimensions neurally and ended up in the wrong bodies. At least you know each other. We've had some unlucky people in the past."

"This is surreal." Devin shook his head. "I feel like I'm in some twisted Disney movie."

"What do we have to do to get into the right bodies and...me in the right dimension?" I asked the doctor.

"Sleep." He said simply. "But it isn't always guaranteed." He told us. "Sometimes you're stuck here forever."

"At least it wouldn't be that different from our lives already." Devin tried to look on the bright side.

That night, after the whole doctor dibacle, we went to sleep and wished each other luck. Who knew such a weird phenomena happened while we were sleeping. I guess that's what dreaming is.

The blackness quickly consumed me and when I woke up once more I had a pounding headache.

"Miss? Miss? Are you okay?" A stranger's voice asked.

"Where am I?" I asked, looking around. I was laying on the floor of this dirty public restroom still.

"You're at the club, honey. Must've been so drunk you passed out." The lady was one of the workers. "Your boyfriend asked me to come in here and check on you."

"Oh, geez." I lifted my head up and the throbbing began. The lady helped me up and I left the bathroom.

"There you are!" Devin grabbed me with a sigh of relief. "I'm happy you're okay. You were in there for forty-five minutes."

"Damn." I shook my head. "Let's go home, love." I said simply. "But we shouldn't sleep...ever, again."

"Okay, weirdo." Devin chuckled at me. "Whatever you say, dear."

"Ghost" in the MirrorWhere stories live. Discover now