Meeting Up

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*Georgia POV*

I hugged Emilia, she was even more pretty in person!

Georgia: Emilia! I have been waiting a long time to meet you!

Emilia: I know! I cant believe we've finally met!

We walk into the café and give in our orders...

Georgia: So do you like any of the boys?

Emilia: Nope

I seen her blush and turn away

Georgia:  Don't lie to me

Emilia: Okay, I like Michael...

Georgia: What?! Really?! I knew it! But isn't he your best friend?

Emilia: I've been crushing on him for 10 years...

Georgia: You need to tell him...

Emilia: No! He probably doesn't feel the same way and it would probably ruin our friendship

Georgia: Awww, Emilia's got a crush

I poked her and she pulled a face

Emilia: So how are you and Josh?

Georgia: I broke up with him this morning

Emilia: Aw how come?

Georgia: I was getting sick of him really, I cant even speak to my own brother without him being paranoid

We both laughed. We paid and went out to shop....

*Josh POV*

I cant believe she just basically broke up with me, its like she didn't even care. I have a huge hole in my heart, I thought she loved me.

George: Are you okay

Josh: Do I look okay?

George put his arm around me

George: Everything happens for a reason...

Josh: I bet she left me for you

My heart dropped

George: N... No she never

I got up and put my hands in my head

Josh: I loved her

George stood up

Josh: I loved her

George: Josh...


I shouted, George stood back and looked down.

Josh: I'm sorry man.

George: Hey its okay

JJ came downstairs, he had a frowny face on

JJ: Whats with all the shouting? You woke me up

Jaymi came behind him

Jaymi: And you say we're bad for arguing

George: We're not arguing silly

Josh: Its Georgia, we broke up

JJ: Sorry to hear it Josh

Josh: I'll try and talk to her later if she doesn't talk to George...

We all looked at George...

*Michael POV*

I wake up and go and see if Emilias awake... I knock on the door and theres no answer, I opened the door and she wasn't there. I went downstairs to see if she was there, but she wasn't there either. So I called for the other boys to come down. I asked if they knew where Emilia was but they didn't. I started to worry.

Dan: She's probably hiding...

Aiden: Why would she he hiding?

Dan: Well maybe because at about mid night we went into her room and tried to scare the shit out of her

Aiden: She didn't even flinch, she was fast asleep...

Michael: Emilia!  Where are you?

We started looking for her

Michael: Emilia! Come on this isn't funny now!

Then my phone started ringing, it was Emilia, I picked up straight away

Michael: Emilia were the hell are you?

Emilia? Im out with Georgia, I didn't want to wake you up so I just left without telling you

Michael: Well don't do that again!

Emilia: Im bringing Georgia back now, so make it look a bit presentable!

Michael: Yes mum!

She hung up and we started to clean the house...

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