By Me

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I jumped straight off the couch and ran up the stairs straight to my room. There was Brian holding a pair of my underwear, I gasped as most of my underclothes were on the floor. I looked at him "What the hell?!" "I umm..." Brian held his hands behind his back "Sam, let me speak to him" Stewie said pushing past me. I rolled my eyes, I turned around and there was Finn looking at me eagerly.

I sighed "What happened, love?" "Brian was in one of my drawers! Seriously is anyone in the town listening to me?!" Finn walked over to me and grabbed my hands "I'm listening to you, darling" I smiled at him "Thanks Finn" I said. Then he kissed me and I kissed back.

*Stewie's P.O.V.*

I walked into the bedroom and looked at Brian "What the hell man!" I said "Stewie! I can explain!" I folded my arms "Then start" "I just realized-" "You haven't had any good girlfriends and since Sam is the only good woman and your life you thought you had a shot with her?" Brian looked down.

Then his head shot up "What about Rose?! She was a nice-" "Old bat who broke her hip during sex" I interrupted "I could be rough" Brian said in a depressed attitude. I rolled my eyes then looked at him "Your a fat weak dog" "I'm fed well, and in kinda strong" "Yeah... Keep telling yourself that champ" I said.

Brian sighed and looked down "I guess your right... I'm a joke" "Come on man, You can't let people be like that to you" "Why not?" "Because your you" I said smiling. Brian looked at me with a small smile, then San opened the door "Enough with the gay sob story! Why in the hell were you in my drawers?" She yelled at Brian.

*Sam's P.O.V.*

I glared at Brian "Bruh just answer" "Who the fuck is bruh?!" Brian yelled I rolled my eyes "Just answer!" "It's a long story! What about Finn? Huh? What about dinner?!" Brian yelled breaking down. I sighed "Brian, do you still like me?" Brian sighed "I might as well come out... Yes Sam I do... I need someone to make me happy" I sighed.

I looked at him "Brian, I thought we were just friends... But I know all you want me for is just sex... So... I don't know how to respond" Brian sighed "Your kinda right" "Kinda-" "No he used to be romantic with Jillian but they had an argument" Stewie interrupted "Shut up Stewie!" Brian muttered. I looked at them "Brian, I already told you this before... I didn't want to go in front of my parents and say "I'm dating Brian" and they beat your ass"  Brian looked up at me.

I sighed softly and crouched down "I don't want you hurt but it had to happen someday" "What? I've been hurt many times" "By me" I said pointing to my chest. I smiled faintly at him and he nodded "I guess your right... Lois said something similar" "What?" "I kinda....... Have a crush on your mom..." I looked at him in anger "You what?!" "I launched myself at her-" "You are not doing that to me!" I said standing up and taking Stewie. I grabbed Brian and banned him from my room. Something I didn't want to deal with, well Finn and mom are an exception.

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