2. 'Friend request accepted'

Depuis le début

"Hannie!" She yelled in happiness as she ran over to me and hugged my leg. 

"Hey Lills," I smiled crouching down to her level and hugging her tight. 

"How was schwool?" She asked me in her slight lisp, she was just so cute and sweet. 

"It was good, how was your day?" I asked her back, pulling away and holding one of her tiny hands. 

"Good... Hannie play with me?" She asked sweetly. 

"Umm Lills how about a little later, I've got work to do," I said giving her an apologetic smile. 

She nodded her head, in an understanding way and kissed my cheek before skipping off to play with her pretend tea set. 

I stood back up and gave my mom a slightly harsh look. 

"See completely normal." I snapped and with that I grabbed my bag and ran off to my bedroom.

There wasn't anything wrong with my sister at all, I didn't see anything wrong with her mentally... physically maybe...

Once I got to my room, I slammed the door and threw my bag on the floor. I then went up to my vanity and took off all the bracelets that were on my wrist. 

The thing that honestly pissed me off, was the fact that little kids also judged others. Yeah, they were young but that was still no excuse for judging people before you know them.

Tying my hair up into a messy bun, I turned to my desk and switched my laptop on. Once it was on, I signed into Facebook and scrolled down my news feeds. I had some messages from friends from my old schools, and a few messages from my older brother. But the one thing that caught my eye... was a message and a friend request from Jay Evans.
Ignoring all the other messages, I turned to the one from Jay.

Jay Evans: Hey Bracelet Girl ;)

Hannah Parker: Er hi

A sense of confusion ran through me. Why would he want to add me on facebook, a plain and boring girl like me, didn't he have better things to than walk me home and start talking to me on social media? 

I suddenly heard the notification from Facebook and saw that jay had replied.

Jay Evans: I would appreciate it if you accepted my request.

I raised an eyebrow and shrugged my shoulders.

Hannah Parker: I'll think about it :/

Jay Evans: That usually means no, but suit yourself :)

Hannah Parker: so what's up?

Jay Evans: Nm just talking to a pretty girl ;)

I didn't reply straight away to him. In all fairness, I wasn't used to getting attention from guys anymore. After I had left my old school, everything just went downhill for me.

Jay Evans: still there bracelet girl?

I quickly replied.

Hannah Parker: Yeah

Jay Evans: Good.

I didn't know how to reply to that. Usually, I just talked to girls and hardly any guys. There was a completely different way of talking to guys and talking to girls.

I pushed my peas and carrots around on my plate. Not really having an appetite to eat dinner. My sister say across from me, and my dad sat at the head of the table whilst my mom sat across from him.
Ever since I had gotten expelled from my last school, my dad and I weren't on the best terms. Heck he hardly ever talked to me anymore but today I felt like talking to him. 

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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