eleven // hands of time

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Sophie is silent for a moment. The subject obviously bringing up buried feelings. "She was caught hiding in a cargo hold of a freighter before it set sail down the Mississippi."

"And who, pray tell, in Marcel's valued inner circle manages his business at the docks?" Niklaus inquires, knowing the answer already.

"Katie's boyfriend Thierry." Sophie mutters under her breath.


"I want to go."

Niklaus' head snaps up from the desk as I abruptly enter the study. I'd caught him doing god knows what with a spell, no doubt stirring up trouble.

"Go?" he questions, his full attention falling on me.

"The charity party Marcel is throwing. I want to go." I state firmly, standing my ground.

I'm tired of being on the sidelines and sitting around doing nothing in this house. I don't care if I'm not a part of the plan they've whipped up, I just want to be out of this house.

"Lovely to see the thousand year sleep hasn't dampened your sense of humour" Niklaus smirks, looking back down to his papers.

I walk up to him behind his desk, needing him to take me seriously.

I pull his chair back, a soft chuckle leaving his lips as he wheels back. I use the space I made to jump onto the desk in front of him. I sit there, looking at him, putting my feet on either side of his chair, blocking him from all exits.

It was quite intimate positioning, but that wasn't on my mind at that point. I just needed his attention on me and what I'm saying.

"I want to go to Marcel's charity party." I say, more serious than last.

He reacted as if he could hear me, but he wasn't listening.

Not to the desperation in my voice.

Because if he had listened, he wouldn't have replied with this.

"You are not leaving this house. Not after what happened last time."

He may have ignored my cry for help, my need to escape this place. But he did understand one thing. He knew what could happen, and he didn't want it to happen again.

It was sweet, I'd give him that. But it wasn't the response I wanted.

"The only people that know my face are Katie and some dead vampires. I'm safe." I try to assure him. The look on his face tells me it went in one ear and out the other.

"You will never be safe."

The way he spoke, the way the words left his mouth, reminded me of someone. Someone I used to know.

Niklaus Mikaelson. The human.

The man who would do anything to keep me safe simply because I was his. No ulterior motive.

Simply because he loved me.

I never thought I'd ever see that face again.

The eyes staring into my soul, begging me to do what he thinks is best, what he thinks will keep me safe.

I love him for it, but it isn't enough.

"I'll have you there with me" I remind him, smiling softly. I can't help my hands traveling up his shoulders, my fingers finally finding his neck, tapping lightly on the skin.

"Please. I need this, before I'm trapped in this house for six months with no way out." I stare him in the eyes softly, my palms resting on his cheek. "Let me be a girl for one night, before I start showing."

I'm looking forward to showing, to having that gorgeous bump that tells me we've made a beautiful baby.

It's one of the few things I have to look forward to.

"Please Niklaus" I gently beg. "For me."

His eyes tell me he wants to do this for me. But Niklaus being Niklaus, has to weigh every possible outcome and scenario. He wouldn't be him if he didn't.

"On one condition."

I grin, my thumbs grazing his bearded chin as I wait for his condition.

"You are to be with me or Rebekah, the entire night, no exceptions."

"No exceptions" I beam, thankful for the sweet spot he still has for me.

It means reconciliation is possible.

However, our moment is interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing.

I spin slightly, reaching around for his phone. I finally find it, answering Rebekah's call and putting it on speaker.

"Little sister." Niklaus greets.

"Well, brother, I believe I've made certain Marcel will be properly distracted tonight."

Tonight being the charity party Marcel is throwing.

"Dare I ask?"

"Let's just say his attention will not be on us. I did my bit. What are you doing to ensure Elijah's safe return?"

I step onto the ground, getting off the desk in which has his work spread out across it.

Not wanting to leave, and in need to keep the moment between Niklaus and I alive, I sit on his lap, looking over the spell he possesses. I'm confused when I realise it's a daylight spell.

I feel tingles run up and spine and arms as Niklaus reaches around my body and picks up the spell. "Currently, I'm preparing insurance against the tender-hearted."

"Meaning?" Rebekah questions, and I'm curious myself.

"We need proper motivation for Katie to cast a powerful spell tonight. I'm creating that motivation." I watch as he places the spell in a large envelope, sealing it.

And just like that my breath hitches, Niklaus' lips having grazed my shoulder.

"Marcel has ordered a rousting of the witches. I, in turn, have arranged for things to go tragically wrong. Marcel may not be concerned with Thierry's romantic entanglements, but there are other crimes which he'll be less inclined to so easily forgive."

I'm confused as to where he's going with this.

"Killing a vampire, for example. That would be unforgivable."

Niklaus had been draining one of Marcel's vampires of vervain secretly, in order to compel him. Surprisingly I actually knew of this travesty. However, the unfortunate truth was that Niklaus had set the poor vampire up to be killed by Thierry.

"If Katie hopes to save her one true love from Marcel's punishment, well, a rescue mission like that will require something positively magical, but then, what's worth dying for if not love?"

His words resinated with me, causing my head to turn.

I would've done anything for Niklaus a thousand years ago. I would've died for him.

But the question constantly lingering on my mind is if I would now. Would I do anything for him now?

Would I do anything for ... Klaus? 

alive {Klaus Mikaelson}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang