Chapter Seven. Brotherhood.

Start from the beginning

"Are you guys fucking crazy?! We could be late!" Roman yelled, waking me and Seth up and we both jumped slightly, staring at him as he slammed the door shut.

"Roman, I'm trying to sleep." Dean mumbled, turning on his side, and then Seth threw a pillow on him.

"He's right. We need to eat, finish packing up our stuff, then help Ace with hers and drive to the airport." Seth stood up quickly, stretching and then looked at Roman. "What did you get for us?"

"Salad for you." He threw a plastic bag at Seth. "Cheesebacon for Ace and Dean." Threw one to me and one to Dean and then raised another one. "Two slices of pizza for me."

With a smile, I opened my cheese bacon, took a deep breath and chuckled. "Smells like Heaven." I took a bite.

"Remember you'll have to work that off tomorrow." Seth laughed. "The two of you, actually."

"Leave us alone, Seth." Dean said, mouth full. "This is awesome."

"It's perfect." I chuckled, mouth full as well.

"Godamn, give me a bite." Seth said.

"Oh! Won't you stick to your rabbit food so you won't have to work that off tomorrow? See how things work, Lacey, darling, he gets salad, but still, want our food." He shook his head, a smirk towards me.

"I see, Deanie." What did I just say?! Either way, I chuckled, looking at him, as Seth rolled his eyes.

"Shut up you two and give him a bite. The kid will cry." Roman laughed, and Seth threw a pillow at him. "Dammit, Rollins! You almost made me drop my pizza!"

We all ended up laughing, before sharing food. Everyone got a bit of Seth's salad, a part of my cheese bacon and Dean's, and a bit of Roman's pizza, and meanwhile, they packed their stuff.

"That, my friends..." I licked my fingers. "Is called brotherhood, because I never share my cheese bacon with anyone."

"Correction: that is called love, sweetie. You love us that much." Dean smirked.

Guess we were in good therms, after all. Let's see how long it lasts, this time.

"Now..." Roman stood up. "Let's pack Lacey's stuff."

"Yay! Time to help me!" I jumped from Seth's bed and rushed to the door.

"Why do we have to pack up alone, but she needs help?" Dean threw his bag on his shoulders, rolling his eyes.

"That is called love, sweetie." I winked, and he rolled his eyes again as Seth and Roman laughed.

They took their bags, checked to see if there was anything left, and then we went to my room, packed my things and looked around.

"See, wasn't that hard." Roman shrugged.

"But I still couldn't do that myself." I smiled.

"Of course not! What's the purpose of leaving all of your things around the room?" Dean shook his head.

"Listen, honey, you say that, but you do exactly the same. Let's not forget that the only reason I got a room for myself, is because the last time I shared a room with the three of you, your lazy ass left your goddamn boxers on my bed! If you didn't, I'd still be sharing, and we would take half of the time to pack up."

"I said I'm sorry. I was drunk." He rolled his eyes.

"Means we all can sleep in the same room again." Seth smirked.

"Nope." I laughed. "I do not wanna risk waking up to a boxer on my face, this time. Ew."

"You say 'ew' but you'd love that." Dean smirked.

"You're disgusting, Ambrose." I wrinkled my nose.

"You didn't say that last night, when you were moaning my name."

"Shut up, we both know that'd never happen. Me and you sleeping together? Nope." I rolled my eyes.

"Who said we fucked?" He laughed. "I just said you were moaning my name."

"That's stupid. Why would I even do that?" I stood up, picking up my bag and walking to the mirror. I checked my hair and then looked back at the three of them. "Let's go."

"Alright. Don't tell me that I didn't warn you." He shrugged.

I just rolled my eyes, but caught Seth and Roman looking at each other as if they knew something, but then they just shrugged. That's just bullshit, how could I moan Dean's name if I didn't even dream about him? Totally bullshit.


I was just listening to Come Undone and remembered I had to publish the next chapter on Wednesday, but I totally forgot, I'm so sorry! You all can message me if it happens, ok? <3 

Thanks a lot for reading, I hope you all liked this chapter, don't forget to vote, comments means a lot too <3 see you all next week! :D

{originally published mar 17, 2016}

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