Chapter 3 (Kora)

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I looked around afraid Tyler would appear out of nowhere and I couldn't just leave the guy there, though I didn't even know his name. He had saved me and I couldn't just leave him, I wasn't that kind of person. So I grabbed his arm and tried to drag him further from the building but he was too heavy and I could hardly move him. I gave up and sat there cautiously, ready to run from any sound. Then he opened his eyes and got up and fell back down, I moved to help him up but he jerked his arm away from me like I was some dangerous creature.

"What was that for?", I thought we were in this together maybe he had changed his mind about me.

"I don't need your help", he got up, his legs wobbly and his eyes never leaving my face. He just stood there trying to balance himself for a while. Every time I was less than a meter away from him he would tell me to back off and I wouldn't understand why.

"What did I do?", I asked. He stared at me, I searched his eyes for anything but all I could see was fear. He was scared of me. 

"Nothing, you wouldn't understand-", that made me mad.

"How would you know, you never explained, you're not even trying! I'm trying to deal with this as much as you are. It's not my fault your girlfriend preferred Tyler over you, and with that attitude, I'm not surprised. Imagine how you'd act towards her", now I was the one treating him unfairly. I was taking my anger out on him. I just didn't know what else to do. No one taught me what to do in situations like these.

"Thank you, I guess I needed to hear that. It's true is it not? Anyone in their right mind would choose Tyler over me, I knew it but... I didn't want to believe it", he looked at the ground, avoiding my eyes, and kicked a pebble into the wall.  I pitied him and myself, we really didn't know what to do with this information. We couldn't handle this. 

"I'm sorry, I don't know what to do, you're breaking up with Sandy right?", I avoided his eyes and looked at the ground too. 

"No, why?", he looked up and raised an eyebrow awaiting my response.

"Because she cheated on you."

"But I still love her," he kicked another rock, "You expect me to break up with her just because of that do you?" I did. "I'm kidding. Of course, I'm breaking up with her.", I released the breath I was holding and relief washed over me. I didn't understand why, why did I care? "Anyway, I'm gonna get few drinks, I think that's the only way I'll be able to deal with this", he walked out of the alley and toward the nearest bar. I followed him. I drank a few beers and cocktails and don't remember the rest. I only remember a bit of his face and his name, Tony, I think. Blue eyes, black hair and very nice. I got his contact information somehow and woke up in my bed, I didn't remember getting home or anything for that matter. 

My phone started ringing, shocking me for a bit, I picked up my phone and Tony answered. " Hey, you okay? You got really drunk last night and I had to take you home and-"

"Thank you", is all I could say and I really was thankful. I forgot everything that happened yesterday, I know I will remember soon though, that doesn't mean I want to. It was quiet for a while.

"No problem, I was wondering what you're gonna do about Tylen or Tyler, you know who", and it all came flooding back to me. Tyler, Sally, the bar, everything. I still didn't know what to do about it.

"I don't know, I was hoping you would,"

"I got a few Ideas."

"Go ahead,"

"Well you could cut off all your contact with him and pretend he doesn't exist or you could talk to him"

"The first option sounds good"

"Thought so", there was some hesitation like he wanted to say something but couldn't bring himself to do it. I opened my laptop my laptop immediately and started disconnecting Tyler from my life, it was easy to do but he did still have a key to my house. That was going to be hard to get back from him. 

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