My schedule for Now ^-^

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Okay so I will be trying to uphold this schedule so I'm writing it here so if I don't, you have my permission to nag me. HeeHee

Sunday: !!Free day!!

Monday: I will write a chapter for The Cursed Crystal.

Tuesday: I will write a chapter for Changers: A Forgotten Legend.

Wednesday: Random day.

Thursday: I will Finish Monday's chapter or Start a new one.

Friday: I will Finish Tuesday's chapter or Start a new one.

Saturday: I will update Changers; I will update Crystal every other Saturday, for now, that way I can gift you guys a random chapter later on! ^-^

~~~~~!!PLEASE NOTE!!~~~~~

I am working 8.5 hour days from 0630 to 1500 Monday thru Friday. Plus I'm on call all day so I don't have a break, even when I'm eating.

So, if something comes up after work (since I am an adult that's getting married in May AND I have to figure out mortgage/house stuff), sometimes I will fall behind in writing.

That's why I'm only posting one chapter every Saturday for Changers and only one chapter every other week for Crystal. Unless I feel like you guys deserve an extra here and there!

***This next week is going to stress me out since the receptionist is still on vacation so I'm going to be doing 2 different jobs for the price of one, with only ONE DAY of training... So please remember this schedule with start on:

~~Sunday, November 19th, 2017 (A week and two days from now)~~

I will try my best to write something next week but honestly, I'm already getting anxiety and today's only Friday... (-.-)

So, to elevate my anxiety, I'll be going to the Zoo tomorrow with my best friend, her husband, and my beautiful goddaughter (HeeHee)!!! Also on Sunday, I'm hanging out with my bridesmaids to look at dresses! (Eh) I'm just glad I don't have to try any on lol

Any questions please ask! I will be posting more updates about my books here verses on the conversation board. I don't want to bombard you guys with emails.

See you guys later! -Nat

EDIT: I've already failed Lol I have to spend a few hours cleaning and such and I just got home Dx Lol I will definitely start it tomorrow! Promise!

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