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Reagor drew his beastly snout out of the window as Lluenna shut it abruptly, the screams  and roars of the civilians clouding the air outside.

" Look where you've come," Reagor cackled, "Holed up in this filthy shack before those villagers and wizards come to rear you apart. "

Lluenna scowled, throwing a glass bottle and watching it shatter agains the floor, it's shards and broken pieces clattering to the ground like hail.

" I created you, vile demon," she spat the blood on her teeth onto the dirt floor, " You ought to shut your mouth, before I shut it for you."

Reagor grinned smugly, as Lluenna coughed under her breath, black dust raging from her esophagus.

The struggle to escape from the palace wizards had disabled her, every inch of her skin teeming with the slowly-fatal blight.

Lluenna pressed her hands onto the leather cover of her book, breathing heavily. It's energy radiated in waves from its stone.

" The portal is about to open, " She sighed, " I can feel it..."

She picked up the book, scurrying tot the back where the last of her blood was, tracing a ring with her fingers in red. " Hide my book, Reagor, this is our last chance. "

Reagor squirmed, whimpering and shifting from his natural, dog-like form  into a frail mouse. Lluenna's eyes passed over him somberly, and she kissed his face goodbye one final time " I trust you. "

She leaned back, and with the chant of a few lyrics from her sullen tongue, her skin merged with the pages, and her became scattered word.

Reagor shifted back into his dog-form, pushing Lluenna's book between his teeth as the villagers neared. He fretted, taking a step back, and barking at the murky air, feeling the sound ripple through the atmosphere. The faint  sound of ringing called for him, signaling that it was nearing time to travel to earth. He burst through the backdoors, charging into the woods right as the twin moons aligned. Reaching the cliff facing the seas, the roars of civilians were now distant. He gazed at the round, milky, porcelain moon, his eyes turning cold, He said a prayer a final time, and with that, leapt into the water.

INTO THE DARK { BOOK ONE } BREAKWhere stories live. Discover now