the end | 9

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It wasn't a rainy day
When I met you again

My heart had given up hope
You had become a singular thought
Before my conscious gave away
A feature in my dreams
A small remembrance at the break of day

Life had stretched longer
And secretly I hoped
That it only meant more time
To find you again

A yellow Sun, it's rays liquefying
Into the azure sky
It was another road
Another time

You were on the phone
As I was on mine
We didn't collide
My steps had halted on their own accord
Just by your presence

At first sight
You seemed a stranger
Condemn my mind for this crime
It had done no justice
To your allure
I found myself dumbstruck once again

I relished the sight
My eyes mooning over
You were here

Everything was finally right
I couldn't contain my joy
As it bubbled through
My ever widening smile

And to my delight
You felt just the same.

the end | concluded Where stories live. Discover now