Wish We'd Fall in Love

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10 December 2009

“So, how was your date?” sang Tia, flipping through some magazine that promised to help you snag the perfect body in three days. She tossed me another magazine. This one said, “Does he really like you? Or does he treat you like a friend? Take this test to find out!”

“It was okay.” I flipped open the magazine. It was glossy, filled with many pretty images of thin, beautiful women and tall, muscular men. And then I felt obliged to add, "I haven't seen Dylan since then."

“You haven’t seen him since then?” She studied me and then looked at the magazine. “Hey, take that test!”

I shot her a look.

“Seriously, if you want to find out what he thinks of you, take that test.”

I hadn’t paid much notice to this before but it seemed like Tia had been in a much better mood these few days. I had taken it to mean that she’d had a great date with Luke but hadn’t really wanted to hear about it, especially since my insides still felt twisted up whenever I thought about Dylan. Trying to distract her, I put the magazine aside and asked her, “How was yours with Luke then? You never said anything about it.”

She flushed uncomfortably. “I get it. I’ll drop it.”

“No, I really want to know.”

“I don’t really want to talk about it.” She attempted a smile. “Anyway, Christmas is coming soon. Are you going home?”

Calloway hadn’t mentioned my plans for that day. “I’m not sure actually. I’ll have to find out from my parents. What about you?”

“I don’t think my parents are going to want me home. But I think I heard Luke and Dylan saying something about how they’re going to stay in Dylan’s winter place for Christmas. I guess I'll check with them again. Do you want to come?"

“Are you asking me to be there so you won’t have to be alone with them?”

Tia smiled and shrugged. "You caught me."

“I’ll check with my parents first and get back to you later.” I stopped and wondered if the next question was too rude before taking the plunge. “Why aren’t you going home?”

“My parents are probably going to be busy this time of the year. Dylan’s dad isn’t the easiest person to get along with, so he usually doesn’t going back home unless he really has to. And Luke will probably follow Dylan.” Tia stretched and went back to her magazine. “You should really take that test, Tee.”

I nodded absentmindedly, wondering why she had tried to turn the attention away from her to Dylan and Luke.

14 December 2009

Frankly, I was starting to get very tired of this school.

Something about this school really irritated me. Perhaps it was those boys who swaggered about as though they were gangsters when they were only small-time crooks or maybe it was those girls who kept giggling every single time I was near them, probably recalling that ill-fated Thanksgiving party.

Whatever it was, it was starting to get to me. I found myself thinking of leaving for the apartment, just to get away from the school though I still didn’t relish the thought of leaving with Dylan.

“What’s up?”

Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I smiled at Luke. “No, I was just thinking. I heard that you guys were leaving for Dylan’s winter cabin for Christmas?”

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