Pervy Vampire

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This is just something that came to mind that I wanted to try and see if people like it. I might expand on it a bit or I might just delete it but we'll see.

I'm just a normal guy with a normal life with the usual morning routine. Get up, have a shower, eat and put my dirty clothes in the washer. But as I entered the washroom I found a rather perverted vampire sniffing my clothes with a look of pure bliss. This perverted vampire is Mia, my girlfriend. Having a vampire girlfriend isn't so normal so I guess I should correct myself, Im a normal guy who HAD a normal life until I met her. Even now I don't know how things ended up the way they did but that's just how life is I guess. At first she was very shy and timid around me but it didn't take long for her to show her true colours. She was a complete perv through and through who had an unhealthy obsession with me. To be honest if she wasn't my girlfriend I'm certain she would have become my stalker. That being said I truly love her... even if she does weird shit like this.

"Oi." I said to get her attention but with no luck. "OI." I tried again a little louder but it went through one ear and out the other whilst she was still lost in coo coo land. So I tried a different approach, I threw the dirty clothes I had with me at her knocking her over and snapping her out of her daze. "It's not what it looks like!" she shouted startled before realising it was just me "Oh hey darling." She greeted like nothing happened. "Don't oh hey darling me. I thought we talked about this..." "I know but I can't help it! Your scent is so addicting!" she complained as though it wasn't her fault but I just stared at her with a deadpan look. "Maybe I can satisfy my urge with the real deal~" she cooed as she slowly got up her ocean blue eyes beginning to glow red. In my 2 years with her I learnt something, that look was usually my cue to start running. Or at least it would be but I was faster and managed to lock her in the laundry room before she could get me. "Aw come on Y/n I was just kidding!" she yelled as she banged on the door. "No you wasn't." I simply responded. "Really Y/n I'm sorry!" she apologised sounding upset. "No you're not." I responded again. "Dammit..." I heard her mumble making me smirk. "Can you just open the door please?" she asked finally dropping the facade. "Fine but if you try biting me I'll bite you back." I warned her. I didn't mind her drinking my blood but only if I let her but sometimes she tried hiding her intention to drink my blood behind sexual advances. "Mmm I didn't know you was into that sort of thing~" she said in a sultry tone. "I'm leaving." "AH OK OK I'LL STOP!" she shouted as I stopped walking away. I walked up to the door and unlocked it but I stood to the side with it and watched as Mia launched herself through the doorway ready to grab me but instead tumbled across the room. "I knew it..." I sighed. "Owww... why did you move?" she asked as she sat up rubbing her head. "Hm I wonder." I said sarcastically causing her to pout. "Asshole." She said crossing her arms as she turned away. "Pervert." I retorted making her blush slightly as she looked back at me. "I'm not a pervert, I just really like your smell and have obscene thoughts about you every day." She said without a shred of shame. "Crazy pervert it is then." I said as I walked past her to the living room. "That's it!" she shouted as she scrambled to her feet and chased after me. Before I could reach the sofa she tackled me from behind and pinned me to it. Being a vampire meant she was much faster and much stronger than me so when she tackles me it's like being hit by a car. I still remember the first time she tackled me I ended up in the hospital but overtime I got used to it so now the worst it does is wind me. "I finally got you!" she said between flustered pants. Her face was red and she looked like she's going through heat. She leant in close to my neck and began to sniff me then licked my neck, "I WILL bite back." I warned her making her giggle a little. She then rested her body on top of mine, her well-endowed chest rested against mine and laid there, her face nuzzled into my neck. "I love you." She said, her warm breath tickling my neck. "I love you too." I said as I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. We laid there silently for a few minutes in silence, our breathing almost in sync enjoying the moment until Mia finally spoke "So can I have just a little?" she asked. "No" I said sternly. She pushed herself up and looked at me with her red eyes clearly annoyed. "You know what? I'm a vampire and if I want your blood then it's your blood I'll ha-" she said before I cut her off by smashing my lips against hers making her eyes go wide. As she leant back trying to escape the passionate kiss I moved with her until I was now on top of her. I finally broke away for air and looked at her, Mia's face was deep red and she was heavily panting. "Stay here while I do us something to eat." I said as I left the room. Mia didn't move or say a thing she was still trying to recover from the heated surprise attack and the state she was in made me chuckle a little. For a vampire she was a pushover but I loved her all the more for it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2017 ⏰

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Male reader X Pervy Female vampire oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now