Chapter Fifty-Two: Growing Near

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"You and Daddy are getting marries." Roland stated.

"Married." Regina corrected. "But it's not just me and Daddy. It's you too. We're becoming a family, which means I get to take care of you. And I want to promise you that nothing will change. While we may live here in this big palace, you have a big forest and garden to play in. We're going to be great pals. We can play and laugh together. You, me and Daddy are going to be very happy. Does that sound good?" Roland nodded, his big brown eyes looking up at Regina. "Good." Regina took a deep breath before patting his backside. Looking up, she saw Katherine in the doorway, waiting for Regina to be ready. "Okay. It's time to get ready for tonight."

"His highness will be taken to his father. They can prepare together." Katherine stated, her voice cool with reprimand. Roland looked to Regina, confusion on his face.

"She's talking about you. It's like a nickname. You'll be hearing it a lot." Regina explained, smoothing Roland's hair down as she lead him to Katherine.

"Oh. Okay." Roland nodded. "Are you going to take me to papa, her highness?" Innocence beamed from his smile up to Katherine. The nurse frowned, taking the boy's hand.

"Don't call me that. Don't ever call anyone else that." Katherine scolded, looking up to Regina. "Start your preparations for tonight. I'll be back."

Regina slipped out onto her balcony to watch the commotion bellow her. Servants and maids scurried around, busying themselves with several trying tasks. A group of women were placing flower arrangements into large bowls, chattering among themselves to make sure each flower was perfect. A few men hustled themselves around Robin, poking and prodding and trying to get the future king back inside.

Regina smiled at his stubbornness, taking a deep breath of the crisp morning air. Their eyes met and Robin smiled, making Regina giddy. Lifting her hand to wave, Regina halted as the sounds of preparation leaked from her bedroom doors.

Inside, Katherine directed five other maids around Regina's room. There were garments and oils and flowers all over. Regina was pushed from one side of the room to another. Baths, massages, choices and styling consumed her every thought. She was scolded at every little convenience and prodded about every word she was to say tonight. Regina often daydreamed about Robin and what he was doing to prepare for the wedding.

"There." Katherine exhaled, hands on her hips. Regina looked in the mirror, her fingers running over the fabric of her dress. The ballgown was very intricate with beading and buttons making it stand out. Regina's hair gently framed her face, whisked back enough for the crown she would wear to easily fit on her head. "You look wonderful." Katherine took Regina's hand as she lead her to the door. "Almost time to start the ceremony."

"Wait." Regina paused, standing still. This was the last time she would be standing in her room without a duty or a husband. This was the last time before she became a dutiful Queen, loving wife and caring mother. "I... I... May I have just a moment to myself?" Regina looked from her nurse to her older sister.

"I will go signal them to start the service. You have until we return." Katherine stood, whisking out through the chamber door with Zelena not too far behind.

Regina closed her eyes, her fingers gripping the seams of her skirt as she took a breath. She found her figure in the mirror that sat beside her desk, her eyes unable to leave the image before her. Standing in the mirror stood a girl shoved in a fancy dress. Regina let two fingers fall over her cheekbones, more prominent than the last time she found herself in a wedding dress.

Regina shuddered then, forcing the memory from her mind. She wasn't a girl anymore. She was a Queen seeking to create a family. And that's exactly what she was getting.

"Gina?" Roland's voice drew Regina away from the mirror. Roland's right grip on Zelena's hand loosened as Regina moved towards the small boy.

"Yes?" She smiled, kneeling down to his level. She tugged in his shirt to straighten it, smoothing his hair over. "You look very handsome."

"You too." Roland whispered, eliciting a laugh from both sisters. "Gina, why are there so many people here? They're talking in different languages." Roland shifted in his place, clearly uncomfortable with the presence of so many strangers.

"Oh." Regina whispered as she pulled the boy close. "They're here to celebrate today with us." The Queen explained, listening as Katherine walked up the hall. "They are from all over the kingdom- some even from different kingdoms. Don't you worry about a thing." Regina quickly kissed the boy's head before standing up before Katherine entered the room.

"Are you ready?"


Robin sat in a throne next to Regina, her hand in his. The wedding had been a long sequence of languages he didn't understand and ceremonies he had practiced for four weeks. But she was radiant. Is radiant.

Regina sat now, staring forwards. Her hair tumbled down from underneath her crown, hiding her face from his. Her gown, white as snow, flowed down over her long, pale legs that  were probably crossed in the same position he found her in whenever she perched on the edge of her bed. Their bed.

"Your majesty." Regina turned to meet his gaze, giving him a small smile. "May I have this dance?"

"Of course you can." She replied as she stood. He stole a quick kiss before looking out among the crowd of people that danced and spoke among themselves, almost oblivious to the reason they were here. "But first lets say good night to Roland." Robin frowned, turning his head to look out among the crowd. His son was no doubt by the pastries but there was no way of pinning him-

"Your majesty." Roland jumped as Katherine appeared at his side, curtsying slightly. "It is time for the boy to go to bed. Do you wish to say good night?"

"Yes." Robin watched as Katherine summoned the boy with one small glance out into the sea of people. Roland scurried forwards, icing on his lips, smiling as he collided into his father's legs.

"Papa! The sweet breads are so good! Papa, can we have them again?" He asked, bouncing on the tips of his toes in excitement. Robin laughed, running a hand over the boy's head.

"Yes. But only if  you go to bed right now and do as Nurse Katherine says." Roland nodded in agreement, closing his eyes as his father stopped down to kiss his head. "Goodnight, lad."

Regina stepped forwards, taking the boy's hands in hers. "I made sure the music box was by your bed tonight. Katherine will play it for you while you sleep." Roland nodded, listening intently to the woman before her. Robin was amazed by the interaction. Roland never behaved so well. "I️ love you dearly, sweet child. Have great dreams and I'll be sure to come say good night before I go to bed myself." Roland nodded as she kissed his cheeks. "Nocte et bonum odorem somnia." She whispered in his ear before sending him away to Katherine once more.

"Good night and sweet dreams." Robin turned to his wife with a smile on his face.

"Yes. I've been wanting to teach him a bit of the language." Regina admitted. She stepped closer to Robin then as her hands ran up his arms. He was overwhelmingly handsome tonight in his official uniform of duty. She stood tall on her toes and managed to kiss his jaw. "May I have this dance?"

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