The complete story

Start from the beginning

"How long have I been out?" Ray wondered if he had been asleep for too long.

"How should I know, I woke up fifteen minutes ago!" Getting up, he walked back into the blue two story house just outside the warehouse. Ray had decided to be a good host, so he made breakfast.

"Bon appetit." When he cleaned the dishes she came inside and asked him a really odd question.

"Where did you learn to cook like that?" At first, he thought that she was just messing around, but seeing the look on her face, he decided to answer.

"The ninja said everyone should know how to cook in case they ran out of food rations, so I taught myself." At that moment, the presence he had felt decided to speak. "Well, the ninja definitely have good taste in students to bring in."  Rays P.O.V.

Ray started laughing because he knew this person. The silver eyed woman stood there with a smile etched onto her face. Aki was just sitting there looking between the two, probably thinking they were crazy.

"Ray, do you know her?" He grinned a little before answering the blonde haired women.

"No, I have let a complete stranger into the house, Aki." She really hates when he uses sarcasm, it's really annoying to her.

"Well, if you do know her, mind introducing us?" Ray was a little scared he would be locked into another six day battle, so he chose to make sure Aki got what she wanted.

"Oh, yeah, Aki this is Jhi, Jhi this is Aki." He really hoped that they didn't start a fight right here, he really didn't want his house to be destroyed. Lucky for him, they just shook hands and walked away talking.

"Phew, now with the girls gone, I can finally do some training." Making a portal to his training grounds and stepping through, he walked up to the nearest dummy and sliced its straw head off. He decided  to continue to slash and thrust into dummies for awhile. Sweat rolling off his brow, he looked at the slight glow from his sword.  Deciding he hadn't trained his good moves enough in the past few weeks, he forced his blade to glow a vibrant blue. He sped  towards another dummy and thrust his sword into the dummy's stomach, making the dummy be blown to the heavens. He hoped the angels wouldn't get too mad. Checking the time he realized he had to go home, or the girls would think something was up. For an extra excuse he went shopping. Going back home with a portal he was a little surprised at what he saw, the two girls had decided to put a net trap above the door. Trying to climb in through a window,,he found it was locked. He climbed up some shrubbery on the side of his house and entered through one of the second story windows and started searching room to room. He found the two girls behind the couch waiting for the trap to be sprung. he knelt down behind them and whispered quietly,

"What're we waiting for?" They had almost jumped out of their skin, and it was pretty funny.

"How did you get in?"  he was chuckling a bit, Aki would never learn. "You couldn't have climbed through the first floor window, they have all been locked." He was slightly dumbfounded, how did she not remember?

"Guys, I'm a ninja, I climbed through the second story window." Ray had to admit, it would have been pretty funny if he had been caught in the net.


Aki P.O.V.

"Hey, Jhi, what do you think Ray was out doing, I mean, he was out for a better part of an hour." Aki knew it was bad to pry things from Ray, she had spoke with him for a good part of the six day fight and had learnt that easily.

"Probably out getting groceries, did you realize the bags he carried in?" In fact, she had, but that didn't mean that's the only thing he did though. She might have to do some research, just to make sure he wasn't hiding something.  

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