“Oh and Emett that whole superman , kryptonite thing. Sooooo cheesy!” I screamed as Emett ran after me.

“You started it!” He yelled.

This sliver of happiness, this quick moment of lightness was just the calm before the storm. We both knew that and I think that is why we didn’t hold back as he took me to the ground. Hovering over my pinned body.

He stared down at me, and no words where necessary at that moment I knew I was everything to him. And he was everything to me. Gently he brought his mouth to me neck sweetly leaving a trail of kisses to my lips.

“I love you.” I whispered as I laid there with my eyes closed.

“I love you more.” He spoke softly into my ear as he laid one more kiss on my lips.

But that’s when the storm hit and all hell broke loose, the quiet surrounding where abruptly filled with Emett’s screams. My eyes shot open as I saw the pain on his face, I was confused for a moment as I looked around. I felt a warm thick liquid on my left leg, I brought my hand down. When I pulled it back to my face it was bright with blood. It wasn’t my blood it was Emett’s! In that split second he was drug off my body. I can’t remember if I screamed or if I was to paralyzed with fear to do so. My eyes focused in on where Emett was being dragged to and there he was.

“You Bastard!” I screamed as Natis dragged Emett towards him with a black tentacle that was pierced through this right thigh.

“Aw I’m sorry Kaylyn did I just ruin your little romantic moment? Your both idiots allowing your guard down so close to my territory. Did you honestly think I wasn’texpecting some kind of an attack?” Natis's eyes where narrowed as if we had just insulted him.

My whole body was tense as I watched Emett squirm in pain  trying to force the tentacle that was Natis’s arm from his leg.

“Let him go!” I commanded, it only earned me an amused laugh from Natis.

“Make me” He taunted as he pressed his black tentacle deeper into Emett’s leg.

His scream was sickening and I felt nothing but darkness and fear consuming me. ‘Breathe and remember what Emett told you about fear.’ My Angel’s tear spoke into me and I could feel its strength and determination. I fed off of it’s energy. I whispered to myself “Fear is my strongest weapon now.”

With those last words there was no more time for thinking only time for reacting. And that is exactly what I did. I shifted into my wolf form and ran at Natis as fast as I possible could, my vision was sharp and the sound of the surrounding area was loud. I was on the hunt and focused on my prey. There was a cocky smile on Natis face as I ran at him.

He didn’t think I could cause him any harm but I was going to prove him wrong! In the blink of an eye I had rooted my crystallized arm through the ground at Natis. I was more surprised than Natis was as my crystal root wrapped around his arm as I had done to Titus. It was so quick I couldn’t help but acknowledge that my angel’s tear was helping me. In one quick motion I had removed Natis of his tentacle and release Emett from his grip.

Natis screamed, weather it was in pain or anger that I could actually cause him harm I don’t know. As he stared at his missing arm I ran for Emett grabbing him thankful for the strength my armor gave me. I ran as far as I could from Natis and laid Emett down as gently as I could.

“Kaylyn we need to turn back I can’t protect you, not when I am this badly wounded.” I smiled down at Emett trying to stay focused on his face and not the wound on his leg.

I laid a cold crystal hand on his cheek. “Its my turn to protect you, now tie a tourniquet around your leg. Ill try and make this quick.” I smiled turning back to the fight without giving him a chance to argue.

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