Will I see you again? (Chapter 2)

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Monday. The beginning of a new week. The end of the weekend. And in my opinion, the worst day of them all.

I was half way through last period at Dullsville High, I was sitting at the back of the room, ignoring Mrs Duroll droning on and on about themes. I had too much on my mind to be bothered with learning how to pick a theme out of a book. First of all, my 17th birthday was in seven days, second of all Raven had invited me to go with her and Alexander to hipsterville for spring break, and third and finally, I had found out after many conversations with Raven and Alexander that the guy she saw in Hatsy's diner that day, the guy who she hasn't stopped thinking about since she saw him, was named Jagger Maxwell.

The day after my birthday me, Raven and Alexander would be getting on a bus for a long ride. It's be worth it though. We'd be celebrating my birthday in hipsterville. I was exited, I hadn't been to hipsterville before but Raven said that there was a great club called the coffin club. I got my fake ID just yesterday. I was prepared.


As I climbed onto the bus after Raven and Alexander, taking a seat to myself while the couple sat together in the seat next to me. I popped some headphones into my ears and blasted Rob Zombie. I pulled out my bent, worn, Black notebook that had half of the pages filled with meaningless doodles and little reminders that I forgot I wrote and started sketching out a small portrait of Jagger Maxwell. Raven and Alexander had warned me to watch out for him and that he was dangerous, but something about him drew me to him. Raven had told me that he was like Alexander, as in, he is a vampire. But Alexander is so sweet, and Jagger didn't seem like he was doing any harm when he came and got fries from Hatsy's diner the other night.

"Blake!" Raven said, yanking out my right ear bud. I quickly paused my music and took out the second one.

"Sorry what? I didn't hear you."

Alexander chuckled and Raven rolled her eyes.

"I said that when we get to Hipsterville me and Alexander are going to take you to Hot Gothics and pay for you to get some stuff! For your birthday." Raven said with a smile.

I smiled back but shook my head, "You don't have to! You already got me an amazing present!" I said, motioning to the solid black choker I was wearing that had a small black mood pendant hanging from it and a leather strap bracelet I had on my wrist that had a bat on it. I love these things, you don't need to get anything else!" I always felt bad when people spent their money on me.

Alexander shook his head, "We feel bad that we didn't get to spend a lot of time with you on your birthday." He said with Raven nodding in agreement.

After what seemed like an eternity on the dullsville bus, we finally stopped at the bus stop. I followed the gothic couple off the bus and retrieved my bag once it had been taken from the bus. I walked over to the bus bench and sat down, waiting for Raven's aunt Libby. Raven always stayed with her aunt when she came to Hipsterville, but the three decided that caring for three teenagers was too much, so we got a hotel. Raven, Alexander and I had made plans with Raven's aunt of course. I had met Libby multiple times since I had known Raven for so long. The first time I met her was a few days after Thanksgiving when we were about ten. I had ridden my scratched up black bike over to Raven's house and had met Libby while she was on her way to her yellow beetle In the drive.

I really liked Libby, we didn't share the same fashion sense but we both shared the need to show the world who we really were. Her, a laid back, care free hippie who spent her days acting and working at Happy Homes, and me a outcast Goth who preferred to wander cemeteries at night rather than go to school dances or sports games.

Finally we saw the yellow car pull up as Libby came running out of her car and over to us.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I lost track of time," She told us, giving out quick hugs.

I smiled and put my bag in the trunk of her car , climbing into the back with Alexander as raven sat up front with her aunt.

"I'm going to drop you at the hotel and then I have to head to work, but we can spend time together this evening yes? I'm thinking the coffin club?" Libby said, driving down the road.

"Yeah! That sounds great. We wanted to take Blake there anyways, she's never been!" Raven told her aunt.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll love it! It's totally you!" Raven gave me a smile through the rear view mirror.

"I'm excited!" I said. I started to put my black notebook into my black backpack when Alexander pulled it out of my hands.

"Hey, I'm trying to put that away," I said to him as Raven caught up with her aunt.

"I thought we warned you about Jagger, Blake," he said with a serious look on his face.

"Yeah, you did, what about him?" I asked.

"So why are you drawing him?" Alexander asked, pointing to the sketch in my notebook.

"And don't even try to tell me that that isn't supposed to be him," he added before I could say anything.

I quickly took the notebook from him, flipping it closed and shoved it into my bag.

"I was just bored on the drive and that's all I could think about it all. It's not him, he's just interesting to draw is all ok?" I said, "trust me, I'm cautious about him for sure." I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Ok, but I'm serious. Please don't become interested. He's dangerous and I just want you to be safe," he said, falling back into his seat.

I tried my hardest to push Jagger out of my head as Libby dropped the three of us off at the hotel.

As we got ready to go to Hot Gothics I was finally distracted and thought about something other than that boy.

Glistening Fangs. (A Vampire Kisses Fanfic. Jagger Maxwell Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now