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"-and so yea. That's why I want us to go to these unknown girls funerals." Here I am. Explaining every bit of details about what happened this whole week. Explaining Marie, about how Jason saw ghosts too, and everything else.

My mom, who is sitting across me in the other couch is just staring at me. Frowning.

"You expect me to believe that?!" My mom screeches. I cover my ears and frown worse then she does everyday of her miserable life.

"Why doesn't no one believe me!? Not you! Not anyone! All those times I thought something was wrong with me when I was younger?! And you made it worse by saying you never believed me?!"

We remain silent after my sudden outburst. Now, both of us standing.

"Do you hear yourself?! This is why I think you've always been crazy!" My mom says. I step back and my legs hit the catch and I fall back into its softness. Being knocked down by my mothers harsh words.

Shaking my head sadly, I say,

"I'll go myself."

Abd I run out of the house in the pouring rain to the girls that got killed a few nights ago funerals.



I had so many thoughts running in my head still after having cone to the funeral.

Why did I come? Does anyone here know me? Did I know any of these girls? What if I did....

But the thought I thought of most that bothered me was what the girls and Marie and her mother told me before they left that Sunday night.

"Thank you. For believing we were the victims."

What did she mean by that? I thought they were the victims. I didn't think that. I knew that...

"Avery? You came too!" I hear Jason's voice call from behind me.

"Yea. I thought I would at least pay my respects. You know, even though I didn't know them."

He shakes his head understandingly.

"Me too. Also because Marie cane to my house telling me that I should show up."

"Marie did? Did she say why?" Why hasn't she asked me? Is the real question here. She always came to me.

"She didn't say."


"She didn't live but till our age, it's a shame... I miss her already." I hear Carries voice say behind me.

I turn and see a greived looking Carrie. A pale face, puffed eyes, and runny nose. She wore all black- just like me and Jason.

"Avery?" She says in between sniffs and blows her nose.

"Why are you here?" I ask bewildered.

"I knew Laura. She was my neighbor. We haven't hung when you and me couldn't." She says. I mean in and give her a long sympathetic hug. She cries into my arms.

"Carrie, we need to go." I hear Henry call out to her.

What had I been doing lately... I didn't even know what my own best friends were going through.

I spin her around real quick before she could reach the vehicle.

"I'll make the days I missed with you up to you, I promise. It's your treat. Anywhere you want to go." She smiles weakly and nods. I smile wryly as I let her loose. I wave her and Henry bye.

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