chapter 8 the ninjas new pets

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after boarding the destiny,s bounty I went inside to find the ninja throwing  stuff out off the deck. the ninja herd me and looked at my direction.

"Avreall! what are you doing here? and what is that thing your holding?"

asked kai.

"Hey he's not a thing. he's a baby anacondrai. more specifically pythors son."

I said.  I started stroking pythons head. weird,ley enough he started cooing in his sleep.

"You betrayed us by helping pythor why should we help you?"

   said zane. 

"well pythors dead. and I was his pet. and pythons to young to inherit me yet. much less ride me so how about we make a deal. we stay with you guys intil pythons old enough to ride me and then we go. but python won't try to get revenge on you guys and you take the remaining anacondrai eggs to the serpantine."

I said.

"All right deal"

said cole

(days later ) 

I was working with kai at a birthday party doing pony rides the same kid that called me a "dragon horse" was there too I had three kids on my back while I was at a slow trot 

"Can't you fly?"

asked one of kids on my back.

"I have'int tried flying since I got those injuries on one of my wings  but okay"

I started galloping while flapping my wings. soon enough I was flying!!

I was only ten feet from the ground but I didn't care 

"Ha ha I'm flying!! I havein't  flown in years!!"

I yelled happily even tho I had three kids on my back I felt like I could fly with SIX kids while flying! 

"Avreall get down from there!"

kai yelled I sighed and landed on the ground and the three kids got off me. 

"Thank you mrs dragon horse lady"

Said one of the kids that were on my back. 

when me and kai got back to the apartment I sat down and told Lloyd about how I could fly again now.

"Thats great avreall! "  

time skip

I was playing video games with Lloyd when I saw scales at the window 

"Scales! what  in the name of king kolo are you dong here!?!?!?!"

I yelled at him. 

"Lloyd! get out of here!"

I called to him.  

"Hello  avreall I ssee that you and baby python are the ninjas new pets. ssuch a shame. first your respected by the serpantine then your best friend dies and now pythors best friend and his only son are now PETS  but I don't have time for sympathy I have a child to catch." 

just then sensei wu and nya came threw the door.

time skip

I was playing with python in dariths dojo as the ninja trained Lloyd 

"Look python this is a bunny "

I showed python an actual bunny thats when I noticed his expression

"Aunty aveall were's mummy and daddy?"

asked python

  oh my GOD he said his first sentence  but how do I reaply?

"Well sweetheart ummmm your parents areee uuuuhhhhh  OH MY GOD WHAT THE HECK   IS THAT?!?!? "

I yell causing the ninja to fall over 

"What the heck avreall?"

asked dareith 

"I need to  talk to you guys. its about python"

we all went to another room 

"Ok avreall whats wrong?"

asked cole

"Python asked me were his parents are and I didin't know what to say? that his father was eaten by the great devourer and that his mother died in the anacondrai tomb?"

"Well miss dragon horse lady fighter there is something  that we humans call "lying to kids cus the truth is too terrible to tell them""

said dareith.

"Ok then i'll just lie to him.. but what type of lie?"

I said

"why not just tell him half the truth ?"

suggested Lloyd.

"Good idea i'll go tel him right now!"

and before anyone could stop me I ran out into the room python was in.


I flipped out.

mwah ha ha ! cliffhanger!!! the next few chapters are gonna be Christmas RADOMNESS ninjago season crossovers and weirdness threw out the  sixteen realms!!!!! 

and don't  worry all ya gotta do is REQUEST

and please do I got writers block

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