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Hello everyone so I'm back and better than ever. I hope you all enjoy this book as I'm taking good time in coming up with chapters. I hope you all enjoy!!!


Huddled around a small portable lamp, three figures we hunched over staring intensely at the shoulder of one of the members as another pricked his skin with a tinted needle.

"You're messing up on purpose!" The boy who was currently in the process of receiving a life-long mark whined.

"Am not!" The other protest and then he himself complained, "But if you don't stop squirming like a chicken then maybe it wouldn't be so bad."

"It's going to be bad because you're making it." The squirming brown haired boy grumbled under his breath. "Why couldn't Luna do mine?"

The shy bright green eyed girl glanced up and tried to hide the laughter threatening to erupt  as she watched her two best friends bicker with each other. Although to an outsider it would seem like those two never got along, the reality was different. They had a brotherly bond so strong that she was sure no one could break it.

After both the boy's where done it was her turn, she was reluctant to do it as she is petrified of needles. she finally sat in the seat  and put her long brown hair into a bun so the guy could tattoo behind her ear. She grabbed both the boys' hands as she was nervous. 

"It will be fine, it doesn't hurt" The boy with hazel eyes said to her, trying to make her calm down.

"Remember when I fell in the lake the other day?" said one of the boys, trying to distract her from the pain she was feeling.

She tried to hold her laughter in as she remembered the hilarious situation, but failed.

"Yes, I do. Now stop it as you are making me laugh!" she replied in a fit of giggles. . 

When  the tattoo was finally done, she got up out of the chair, feeling good about  herself for going through with it. Filled with so much joy,  she turned around and grabbed  both boys into a hug and said, "Thank you!"

"Why you saying thank you?" One of the boys asked.

"Because silly, you both are my best friends and I'm grateful for that!" she replied whilst tapping him on the nose.

The black haired boy pulled them together in a sloppy embrace and grinned, "Hey! No getting into the touchy subjects! You know how emotional Jason is!"

The blond haired Jason, scoffed, "If I'm emotional then Qalum is a total and complete emotional wreck."

"Stop it you two," Luna laughed, "I'm being serious here. I want you both to know how grateful I am for both of you."

"We're grateful for you too, Luna." Jason grinned. "But neither of you can beat me to the ice cream parlor!" He began to sprint off, but not before yelling over his shoulder, "The last one pays!"

"Hey, wait up cheater!" Qalum yelled, soon running after Jason and leaving Luna behind. Even though Jason got a head start, it was obvious to Luna who would win -she would. She knew that both Qalum and her would surpass Jason because they shared the same secret. They were both werewolves. But he was high in rank being the Beta's son. Rumor had it that Qalum would one day take the Alpha position as the current Alpha had no children to pass the title down to, but that was another story. One that Luna knew all too well.

She on the other hand, barely held a position in the pack. And that was because they were generous. The truth was that the pack hated her with passion, and she did not know why.

As she caught up to Jason she saw that Qalum was almost at the parlor, but just as she predicted he slowed down enough to give her a chance to pass him. This always happened. The boys would always let her win. And that was just one of the reasons she loved them both to bits and naively believed that they would stay friends forever. 

Little did she know that in just a few short years, both would leave her alone to fend for herself in a town that already disliked her.  But even if friendship did not tie them together forever as they promised, the small black triangle tattoo that each had in various locations did.

That was proof enough that their bond was eternal.

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