Chapter Three

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I woke up and looked at my little blue alarm clock it was 3am in the morning. I just couldn't sleep so I decided to get dressed. I put a pair of black skinny jeans on and a printed T-shirt, I shoved a pair of socks on and grabbed my white converse. I turned around to see where I had left my grey knit jumper. I furrowed my brows trying to remember where i had left it I remembered so I looked to where my computer desk is and found it on the back of my chair.

I made my way out of my house and started walking, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and started texting Jason. "Meet me at our old hang out" is what he texted back. I wasn't sure of where I was going, it was 3 am after all, but my legs found my way there. To the ice cream parlor from when we were children.

I stood there in the parking lot of the old ice cream parlor we used to visit as children.
Not even sure what I was doing there at all. Jason had called me after so long, and asked me to
meet him! It all feels so unreal. But I had to get out of my head after what had happened with Qalum. This was the perfect distraction.

"Yo." A voice said in the dark.

I turned round and saw a man walk closer into view. It was Jason. At least I think it was.
He seemed to have changed in all that time I hadn't seen him.

"Yo? What are you, some big popular guy now?" I mocked him.

He chuckled and stood before me. He had definitely changed. He was taller, and more muscular than the Jason I remembered. But, there was something else...

"Well, obviously." He smiled, and for some reason it sent waves rushing through me.

I crossed my arms. "Well?"

He looked at me blankly. "Well?"

I stared at him with an intense gaze, if he had been made of ice he'd be water by now.
"Where have you been?!" I yelled at him, my voice echoing off into the night.

He squinted and raised his hands to his ears. "Not so loud."

"Oh, is my volume the issue here?" I snapped at him. "Hmm. Nope. I think the issue is that you
literally vanished." I pushed at him. It was only for a moment but I could feel the outline of his toned body brush past my fingertips.

"I don't think that's the right way to use literally," he said, pulling away from me.

I lowered my head, not wanting him to see my tears. "You left us, Jason. You left me."

I tried to hide my tears but he grabbed my face and lifted it up. Even his eyes had changed...
They burned into me as he spoke. "I know. And no amount of sorrys are going to change that. But...there was a reason."

Was this really the same Jason I grew up with? I needed proof.

"Show me your tattoo."

He furrowed his brow. "What?"

I retreated from him. "If you're really Jason then show me your tattoo."

He grinned. "Luna, it's me. I promise." He walked towards me.

Something inside of me felt on edge. My senses were going crazy. Why didn't I notice it sooner.
This scent. It's not the scent of the Jason I remember. I know this scent.

"Get away from me, abomination." I jumped back from this thing before me. This thing
wearing Jason's skin. My Jason was dead, and he was never coming back.

This is why I needed to go to that class the Alpha had planned for a situation like this. For a situation involving a vampire! Why did Ashley have to lock me in the basement, I really do hate her. This is why I hate my life sometimes because now I had no idea what to do but except run, run for my life and not look back.

At that moment I turned on my heels and began to run, run as fast as I could at this moment I didn't care if anyone saw me using my wolf speed I just needed to get home and away from that thing!

But it was no use I was stopped in my tracks, Jason was in front of me.

"Get away from me!" I screamed in panic at him

"Luna please just listen to me." He pleaded, his tone was genuine.

I almost wanted to believe him. "Why should I?"

"Because it's me, it's Jason. The same Jason I've always been...well, almost." He chuckled.

"I know what you are, you're a vampire--"

"And you're a werewolf."

We both became silent.

"I'm still alive though!" I screamed.

"So am I. Just in a different way." He shrugged his shoulders and grinned.

I stood my ground, not relaxing my body for a second.

He took off his jacket, and began removing his shirt.

"Wait, stop! What are you doing?" I covered my eyes, though I won't lie, I did take a quick peek through my fingers.

Hi shirt dropped to the ground, and he moved towards me. I tried to back away but my body wouldn't listen to me. He stood inches from me and stared deep into my eyes. His hand grabbed mine and he pushed it to his bare chest.

"Look." He said.

I uncovered my eyes, slowly, and looked where my hand had been pressed. I turned my head towards him and stared back into his eyes.

"Jason?" I whispered, as my fingers traced across his chest, and the tattoo marked there.

He smiled. " Luna, it really is me."

I couldn't feel much of a heartbeat coming from him, but he was surprisingly warm for a vampire. What was I doing? I'm groping the chest of a vampire! A hot one...No! It's Jason. What am I saying, calling him hot.

"Can I put my shirt back on now?" He smirked at me.

I pulled my hand away, and blushed. "Oh, sure, sorry." Why was I blushing?

He pulled his shirt back on and picked up his jacket. "Luna, there's a reason I came back."

I was stuck in my head, this was all so much, I didn't know what to do. "What?" I was barely listening to him.

"It's important Luna, please."

I shook myself out of the fog I was in and focused. "I'm sorry, Jason. It's just...a lot." I flashed a quick smile.

He laughed. "Yeah, I'm sure it is. And I know I can't just drop this on you...I'm sure your life has moved on."

My life? I thought about that for a moment. Had my life really moved on? I barely had any other friends, and the one main friend I did still have was basically abandoning me.

"No, it's fine. What was it you needed to talk about?"

Jason's expression grew serious, and his eyes looked as if they were trying to find something. What was he going to tell me?

He turned his back to me. "It's complicated, and I'm not sure how you'll react...honestly I was thrown too when I found out." He paced about.

I watched as he went back and forth, fidgeting with his hands. This was definitely the Jason I remembered. Something about that seemed to warm me. I moved towards him and grabbed hold of his arms with my hands, steadying him.

"Jason, calm down. Just tell me." I looked at him, and my hands could feel the bulge of his biceps. He really had grown up.

He took a breath and calmed himself. "'re my mate."

————————————————————————so this chapter took a while to write I've had some crappy writers block but I've had help with it from a friend!! RSRtheWriter  thank you!

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