3 - Going To Felix's House For The First Time!

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'Yeah, I made all of the boss levels and some of the minor villains in Dark Souls 2! It looked like you enjoyed it! What did you think of it?' I couldn't help but ask him what he thought of my game, it wasn't every day someone recognised my name from the credits or asked what games I had helped produce!

'You made Dark Souls?!' Felix accused, I nodded slowly even though I knew he couldn't see me.

'Yes...' I started off slowly with suspicion but then I was interrupted by high-pitched screaming that nearly bursted my eardums out into space!

'This gives me a great video idea! You're coming round to my house now! We're apartment 4D! If you just say it's Jenny then we'll let you in!' I was barely able to understand what he had said to me before he hung up, it was like his idea couldn't go unapprecated.

'Okay se-' The phone played a monotone note that indicated that Felix had hung up, so I decided to watch until the end of his video to see how hard it was for my bosses to die and then I would pack my things up and go visit my Swedish comedian in his Brighton home.

When I got to Felix's front door, I noticed how clean this part of the area was; or maybe it was just his aparment block that seemed to have a spick - and - span air about it. I pressed the buzzer and a female voice answered me.

'Hello?' Her voice sounded kind and serene; I wondered if she was Felix's sister or his other friend.

'Hello, this is Jenny?'

'Are you sure you're Jenny?' She quizzed me, for a second or two I actually wondered if I was Jenny or not, but I shook my exertential thoughts out my head before it seemed too suspicious that  hadn't answered.

'I hope so.' I tried to get a laugh out of the seemingly calm woman, but she still seemed cautious on the speaker, I heard muffled talking in the background and then she came back and asked warily.

'How did you meet Felix?' It was then I realised the woman had an accent on her that made her voice seem more girly than what it probably was; I kind of enjoyed the sound of it though.

'At the seminar last weekend, we both found it incredibly boring when we talked in the hotel's mini - cafe later on at; 7:00 or 6:00 I think but still, yeah. Why do you ask?'

'No reason!' The woman's voice perked up. A buzzing noise invaded my head and I was let into my Swede's home.

I entered flat 4D and was instantly astounded with the decorations! The living room floor was a light blue, the sofa long and a soft deep red, the walls were painted cream white and were delicately adhorned with pictures of family and friends, the television was so large that it took the majority of the wall and the coffee table - which already had him and her's striped mugs filled with still steaming tea - was a deep mahogony color. Everything seemed so modern, yet so perfecly homey! I was going to take my shoes off if it weren't for a beautiful woman standing in the doorway smiling at me shyly. Her wavy hair finished just after her perky breasts and was a gorgeous shade of dark brown with some light chocolate brown mixed in with a dip-dye fashion, her eyebrows were bold and perfect, her eyes were enhanced because of her winged midnight black eye-liner and were a deep brown that helped frame her face, her eyelashes were delicate, yet were stealthily dominant, her lips were full, deep red, and gentle, her hands - of what I saw of them - were small and delicate, and her legs were long and slim. I instantly realised that this woman must have been a model! She was wearing an oversized cream colored jumper that still seemed to manage to show off her figure and her trousers were skinny jeans that were a beige color, they showed off how healthily slim this woman was. I stood in the doorway admiring Felix's flatmate, admiring her beauty and elegance. No one spoke for 5 minutes; me because of this woman's beauty, her because she seemed a little shy. I decided to snap myself out of it and start talking to this woman otherwise she would think that I was a little too weird to know Felix. I took a step closer and waved my right hand awkwardly, I was never good with meeting people on the spot.

'Hi. I'm Jenny,' I said brashly. The woman smiled, but seemed to bury herself into her shell even more; I was scaring her! I stopped walking and wrapped my right hanf around my left bicep. 'What's your name?' I asked more gently, the model smiled and I felt the armosphere ease.

'I'm Marzia. Felix's girlfriend.' She introduced herself quietly. I was instantly taken aback, I knew Felix was pretty to women - and let's be honest I couldn't help but enjoy his beautiful bluey-grey eyes - but how did he get the beautiful Marzia to go out with him! Marzia laughed slightly at my reaction as I felt my eyes bulge and my jaw drop slightly.

'You're Felix's girlfriend?!' She nodded slightly.

'We're close to 2 years now.'

'Well that's just bloody adorable.' I answered honestly, even though she was laighing softly, Marzia was still speaking in hushed tones and wouldn't get any closer to me. I started to edge my way closer to her, but before  could go any further with the whole lets - get - to - know - each - other - you - seem - cool conversation, Felix popped his little happy head through the door, his smile bright and wide. I instantly felt secure in the fact that he was here to sort this situation out; I didn't know what I was doing wrong but it seriously seemed like Marza didn't like me!

'Hey Jenny! I don't have to introduce Marzia then!' He chuckled out, making Marzia blush and snuggle up against his body. I smiled happily at the sight of love.

'Yeah, she seems really nice! You two seem so cute together!'

'Yeah I suppose we are,' Felix laughed once more and then he saw the gap between me and Marzia, he looked down at her and whispered something delicately in her ear, she shook her head and he stood back up and looked me in the eye once more. 'Sorry if Marzia seems a little nervous, she has a little social anxiety problem; don't worry though it's only minor, she just needs to be a little more comfortable around you first.' I felt my body relax instantly. Thank God the problem wasn't me! I shrugged to make the situation seem like it was no big deal and smiled once more.

'It's fine, I was about to have the whole getting - to - know - each - other chat now; i-if that was okay with you of course, Marzia!' Maza smiled wide and nodded happily, she shared her boyfriend's enthusiasm with life.

'That would be amazing, thank you!' Her tone seemed a little lighter than before and I accepted that as a success. I was about to ask her one of the standard small - talk questions when Felix declared loudly.

'But not right now! Right now,' Felx stopped mid-sentence and softly grabbed my right arm, a mischevious smile spreading across his lips and his eyes dancing around like wildfire. 'You're gonna make a video with me!' He practically growled in my face.

'What?' I asked helplessly as I was dragged into a comfortable den that I guess was made for his YouTube Channel. But why did he want a video with me?


The first ever PewDiePie video Jenny sees is on the video next to this chapter, I hoped you enjoyed reading and if you believe what you think will effect the quality of writing (16 years on and I'm still learning!) It would be greatly appreciated, I take all the help I can get!

Thank you for reading and I hope to speak to you in the next chapter!

*BROFIST*!!!! :D

The Two Personalities Of Felix KjellbergOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant